Kommende Nerfs & Buffs

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    • Kommende Nerfs & Buffs


      marlex hat mich im League of Legends Forum auf folgenden thread hingewiesen, in dem zusammengefasst wurde, welcher Champ die nächste Zeit wohl wie gebufft/generft wird. ;P

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Yes, Guinsoo is actually working on them. We intend to buff his base stats, they are really bad.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      His remake is still in the works currently being handled by FeralPony. The remake is currently focused on making his turrets a more temporary and offensive way of engaging enemies rather than strictly a passive and defensive one.

      We are very busy right now trying to make some huge pushes for the opening of Season 2 which is delaying Heimer a bit, but after those goals Heimer should be high on the priority list again.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Power-wise we feel Leona is okay. With the nerf of the sustain lanes, players are starting to understand she can be played as a strong duo laner bot and I have heard of some success as her solo top (ask S****lia >.>).

      S****lia was working on some usability tweaks for Leona such as her W having less build up time but nothing is concrete yet.

      Evelynn and Poppy:
      Originally Posted by Statikk

      The Evelynn stealth remake is still in the same place as S****lia last reported (you can dig it up on the forums).

      We plan to do tweaks to Poppy as announced before. We want to up her laning phase and sustained damage but also lower her late game burst potential. This was being worked on by Classick but has now been handed off to a designer you guys have never had the pleasure of meeting yet. Not a rework.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Guinsoo is currently researching Vlad. We generally want to buff his early game but nerf his late game (specifically his passive). Vlad is still too snowball-y if he can get there, but in the age of the very strong laners that we currently have, Vlad never has a chance to get there.

      Lee Sin:
      Originally Posted by Statikk

      His base damage specifically on his Q is too high. We are okay generally with him being a mobile melee assassin but he is currently a mobile melee assassin tanky DPS. We are looking to do light nerfs for him in the upcoming patch that are being handled by Classick.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Twitch is getting a full remake to go along with the new stealth system. This was being headed up by S****lia but has now been passed to Geeves.

      The general gist is to put him more in line with the average ranged carry (including Attack Range and possibly Movement Speed) now that stealth will no longer be a toxic/broken mechanic.

      Singed and Talon:
      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Classick is doing a slight nerf to Singed for the next patch. He will still be a very strong champion.

      We may be doing some tweaks to Talon's base stats and mana costs in the near future, there are some anomalies there that we need to clean up but for the most part it seems like Talon is functioning as the melee assassin he was intended to be.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      We have no immediate plans for Lux. Perhaps some slight cooldown reduction on Q and/or E, but she seems fine.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Classick is currently working on Mundo. We want to give him better late game scaling while also toning his early game a little. We are currently testing a version of Mundo's ultimate that heals him based on % of his missing Health which allows him to become a regen tank in team fights but is not nearly as abusable as a sustain mechanic. Unsure if this is the direction we will go ultimately but Mundo is currently in heavy testing iteration.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      We don't have any intentions to change Caitlyn right now. She is an AD carry with strong lane / zone control. She is a little bit too hard to gank but her damage output is not as impressive as many of the other AD carries out there. If we were ever to nerf her laning, we would probably compensate with buffs to her late game.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Akali's damage is over the top, but it's what it takes to be a melee assassin in our game sadly. Her passive, specifically the Spell Vamp, may be a bit too strong but you have to factor in other things such as the synergy she has with Gunblade / Rylai's.

      Her R refresh on-kill mechanic is very snowball-y and makes her hard to balance (this is the case really with any snowball mechanic like this, see Master Yi, Katarina, Evelynn), but unsure of what we could do here.

      Lastly, we are still concerned that Akali is hard-countered by reveal champions such as Lee Sin and Oracle's/Pink Ward, but once again no concrete plans.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      When I was working on Nasus, I had Dominion in mind, but we could not reach a solution that would satisfy our goals for making him good on Dominion without angering the current SR Nasus players.

      Nasus is an extremely viable pick right now on SR even in the competitive scene.

      If we are to do any changes to Nasus soon, we will probably lower the Q on-kill mechanic but raise Q's base damage in return.

      Xin Zhao and Olaf:
      Originally Posted by Statikk

      No immediate plans for either of them right now. We are working on tweaks to the jungle that could heavily affect these champions who are currently a "tier" below the top junglers.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      No plans for Ezreal at the moment. We may do some usability tweaks in the future such as slightly reducing mana costs, but Ezreal masters are currently a very scary sight to see.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      He's really strong right now though his ultimate is currently very lackluster to use. I would like to see AP be an attractive stat on him again, but we have no immediate plans for Ryze.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Need more time to assess the last changes done to Mordekaiser. He seems a bit too weak in the early laning phase but still becomes very strong later. Perhaps we will look at his health costs.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Riven is extremely powerful right now after the hotfix buffs we did. We have no intention of buffing her further. I had the same problems initially playing her but if use her E well and get some Armor and Magic Resist instead of only just AD, she is very hard to kill.

      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Veigar is currently being reworked by Classick. He is actually a very viable pick but he is very vulnerable in the laning phase.

      The main goals of the rework are to increase Veigar's usability and consistency, so he is powerful in more situations.

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    • Akali:
      Originally Posted by Statikk

      Akali's damage is over the top, but it's what it takes to be a melee assassin in our game sadly.

      Das merken wir uns mal.
      Lee Sin:
      Originally Posted by Statikk

      His base damage specifically on his Q is too high. We are okay generally with him being a mobile melee assassin but he is currently a mobile melee assassin tanky DPS. We are looking to do light nerfs for him in the upcoming patch that are being handled by Classick.

      Hmm. ein Assasine soll guten Dmg machen, wie Akali. Lee Sin hat eig nur den Q um guten Dmg zu machen und der Dmg ist nicht sooo verdammt hoch. Da kann Akali mehr als mithalten. Trozdem soll der genervt werden, weil er ein Tanky Dps Assassine ist. LoL? Aus einem Tanky Dps Assasine wird ein Assasine, indem man seinen Schaden verringert? Wird er so nicht noch mehr zum Tank und weniger zum Assassine, da er weniger Schaden macht?
      Ich verstehe Riot nicht...
    • Hast du vllt noch den Link zu dem Thread, wo man diese Infos findet? Ich würde mich gerne beschweren, weil ich einen Lee Sin nerv unangebracht finde. Sie selbst sagen ja, dass ein Assasine schaden machen soll. Und der Assassine, der für einen Assassinen zu wenig Schaden macht, bekommt noch weniger Schaden. WOW!
    • Airdevil;260770 schrieb:

      Und der Assassine, der für einen Assassinen zu wenig Schaden macht, bekommt noch weniger Schaden. WOW!

      Ich find nicht, das Lee Sin zu wenig schaden raushaut. Sein Q-Spell macht natürlich den größten schaden (Je weniger leben der Gegner hat, desto mehr Schaden.). Aber auch sein E-Spell und seine Ulti sind nicht zu verachten. Die Carrys kann man spätestens nach Sheen auseinandernehmen.
      Ausserdem kommt Akali nicht an Lee's Mobilität ran. Er kann sowohl zu Gegnern, als auch zu Verbündeten springen, hat einen Slow, und seine Ulti, die nicht nur das target wegkickt, sondern auch noch alle Feinde im Weg hochwirft.

      Der Nerf ist zwar nicht unbedingt nötig, aber schaden wird es ihm auch nicht.
    • Airdevil;260770 schrieb:

      Hast du vllt noch den Link zu dem Thread, wo man diese Infos findet? Ich würde mich gerne beschweren, weil ich einen Lee Sin nerv unangebracht finde. Sie selbst sagen ja, dass ein Assasine schaden machen soll. Und der Assassine, der für einen Assassinen zu wenig Schaden macht, bekommt noch weniger Schaden. WOW!

      Srry für die späte Antwort, bin derzeit im Klausurenstress. Ask About Your Favorite Champion [Copy from Riot-post on NA] - League of Legends Community

    • Airdevil;260660 schrieb:

      Das merken wir uns mal.

      Hmm. ein Assasine soll guten Dmg machen, wie Akali. Lee Sin hat eig nur den Q um guten Dmg zu machen und der Dmg ist nicht sooo verdammt hoch. Da kann Akali mehr als mithalten. Trozdem soll der genervt werden, weil er ein Tanky Dps Assassine ist. LoL? Aus einem Tanky Dps Assasine wird ein Assasine, indem man seinen Schaden verringert? Wird er so nicht noch mehr zum Tank und weniger zum Assassine, da er weniger Schaden macht?
      Ich verstehe Riot nicht...

      Lee Sin, Free Win

      OP nuff said lol