Verkaufe League of Legends Account

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    • Verkaufe League of Legends Account

      LVL 30 Acc:

      -Normal: 884 Wins / 792 Loses
      3te Season: 4 Wins / 3 Loses
      2te Season: 7 Wins / 2 Loses


      Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Ashe
      Blitzcrank Brand Cassiopeia Cho' Gath Darius Dr. Mundo
      Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fizz Galio Gangplank
      Garen Graves Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV
      Jax Jayce Karthus Kassadin Kayle Kennen
      Kog' Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin Lux Malphite Malzahar
      Maokai Master Yi Mordekaiser Morgana Nidalee Nunu
      Olaf Orianna Pantheon Rammus Renekton Rengar
      Riven Shaco Shen Shyvana Singed Sion
      Sona Soraka Talon Teemo Tristana Tryndamere
      Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Vayne Veigar Vladimir
      Warwick Xin Zhao Ziggs Zilean ;

      3 Runenseiten:
      -9x Greater Mark of Desolation (1,66 Armor Penetration)
      -9x Greater Seal of Resilience (1,41 Armor)
      -9x Greater Glyph of Warding (1,34 Magic Resistance)
      -3x Greater Quintessence of Strengt (2,25 Attack Damage)

      -3x Greater Quintessence of Potency (4.95 Ability Power )
      -9x Greater Mark of Insight ( 0,95 Magic Penetration)
      -9x Greater Seal of ..(0,74 Magic Resistance)
      -9x Greater Glyph of..(1,19 Ability Power)

      -3x Greater Quintessence of Potency (4.95 Ability Power )
      -9x Greater Seal of Resilience (1,41 Armor)
      -9x Greater Glyph of Warding (1,34 Magic Resistance)
      -9x Greater Mark of ..(0,99 Armor)

      -Unchained Alistar
      -Zombie Brand 1820 RP (Legacy - Harrowing 2012) (Legendary - new effects, animations and sounds)
      -Cryocore Brand 975 RP
      -Jurassic Cho'gath 975 RP
      -Spooky Gangplank 520 RP
      -Mafia Graves 975 RP
      -Nightblade Irelia 520 RP
      -Frostblade Irelia 975 RP
      -Jaximus 975 RP
      -Judgement Kayle
      -Deep Sea Kog'maw 975 RP
      -Traditional Lee Sin 520 RP
      -Overlord Malzahar 975 RP
      -Infernal Mordekaiser 520 RP
      RP-Galactic Renekton 520 RP
      -Redeemed Riven 975 RP
      -Workshop Shaco 975 RP (Legacy)
      -Warlord Shen 975 RP
      -Dragonblade Talon 975 RP
      -Riot Girl Tristana
      -Sultan Tryndamere 975 RP
      -Vandal Twitch 975 RP
      -Count Vladimir 520 RP
      -Feral Warwick 975 RP (Legacy)
      -Commando Xin Zhao 520 RP
      -Imperial Xin Zhao 520 RP
      -Time Machine Zilean 520 RP (Legacy)
      -Augmented Singed 975 RP

      Derzeitige ep/rp: 8 RP/ 5100 IP
      Server: EU-WEST
      Bei Interesse skype adden (schuggschugg) oder email (
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