League of Legends mal anderst gesehen,

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    • League of Legends mal anderst gesehen,

      Hatte mit xDevil gestern geschickt, und ich finde es einfach nur awesome...

      Hey guys,

      I'm doing this post for a very simple reason:

      I tend to be toxic.

      I got banned a few days ago for 14 days and I probably deserved it. There are no excuses for such behaviour, no matter how hard someone flames, how hard someone doesn't play with the same ambition as you do, THERE'S NO ESCUSE to express your rage via chat.

      I'm here to say I'm sorry, really sorry and ashamed of my behaviour, to all of you I might have abused.

      Why am I here writing this ?
      Well, 2 days before i get banned I was on college in a computer room watching some random stream, and suddenly a guy (that looked a bit strange) came to me and said:

      -HI! Do you play that ??
      -Yes, I do, do you ?
      As he replies: Me too, sadly i have no one to play with, all my friends have more experience then me so they dont play with me that often, I'm level 30 already, but I have no experience on Ranked Queue's.

      He seemed so sad saying that, that i told him to add me, and we could play together (because i wasn't going to reach my soloQ achievements for the season 2, so why not, my account had been hacked before the summer, and then i just snowballed and became really bad , even winning some lan events and being ranked on a top 20 ladder on the old 3v3 map.)

      So we agreed to play that day at night, and when i arrive home he already had sent me the friend request, and we started playing.
      The first game all went smooth, and he seemed really happy to have is first ranked game as a Win. So I said him we could go for one more.
      Since he was support on last game and no one wanted to play support, i said him on ts:
      -Hey man, pick a ad carry if you wish, ill support you on botlane !

      Sadly, that game was one of those games that i just didn't explode for a miracle.
      Solotop flaming hard, feeding even harder, going afk...
      Midlane was a Jayce ... :S

      That game ended very quickly, even that I was trying to hide it, I was mad to be supporting such a team, so I said to my "friend" :
      -Hey man don't worry, games like this happen, you only have to keep playing until you have a better luck, don't loose your hope.

      And here, was one of the times i felt worst in all of my life, as he said me this in a very sad, and almost crying voice:

      -Hey Drug, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I did my best, and it wasn't enough, I hope to have more chances to play with you more times, just give me time to practice more, and I promiss I'll be better.

      (And at this moment my heart really stopped. I understood that everytime I raged, everytime I flammed a unskilled player, I never assumed that the player was doing his best to win, but it simply wasn't enough, and I just couldn't see it...)

      So I've said him: - Look, I just met you today, but we will play as many times you want, don't worry about being good or bad, worry on having fun and try to add something to your team, helping them to win.

      And we said goodbye and I went offline.

      In the next day when I woke up I had some pm's on skype from his account, It was their parent's and it said:
      -"Please keep this in secret:
      We are XXXXXXX parent's, and last night we heard you saying him to don't worry about the game (and they resumed what I've said to him) and we want to thank you. Our son, has no friends at college, he suffers from a rare illness (not stating name for privacy reasons) and sadly he isn't as normal as the other people of his age are, thank you for being such a good friend to him."

      (And that made me feel better then winning 50 ranked games in a row.)

      From now on, this is my goal on League, It's not having a high rating, not having a perfect team, because that will never happen, from now on, my goal is to be helpfull to everyone, to be friendly and to try to support them instead of saying: "nice feed", because it's not right, I was wrong...

      Thank you for spending your time reading my story, I hope you can understand my point of view and forgive me for my previous behaviour.

      Trully sorry,


      EDIT 1: WOW ! 20K views ! I hope that my experience gave you something usefull to use in the future, thanks alot for taking your time, you guys are #1 !

      EDIT 2: WOW !! 120K ??? All I wanted was to share this, but i never thought this was possible !

      EDIT 3: 150K VIEWS! If i could reach the heart of half of the viewers, It's like as good as knowing PumpkinHead Fiddlesticks will be again for sale !

      EDIT 4: 175K VIEWS! Season 2 End FAQ post had less views, thank's all of you that showed your interest and shared you expression !

      EDIT 5: Special thanks to SK Ocelote for sharing this post on his facebook page !

      EDIT 6: 900 UPVOTES, Say Whaaaat ?! :O

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    • Ich hasse Flamer.

      Ich verstehe die überhaupt nicht. Gut, man möchte gewinnen, aber ich sehe es nicht ein, mich für ein Spiel so aufzuregen, wie es manche tun. Jmd, mit dem ich öfters gespielt habe, hat mich zugeflamet und zwei Wochen ingnoriert, weil ich in einem Botgame (!) eine Anivia auf CDR, Manareg gespielt habe, um mit der Wand zu trollen (natürlich als erstes hochgeskillt).
      Gut, war nicht nett von mir, war aber vorher angekündigt und niemand hatte was dagegen...

      Aber allg. in Spielen verstehe ich Flamer nicht.
      Erstrecht nicht, wenn sie meistens schlechter sind als die Leute, die von denen als Noobs bezeichnet werden.