Minecraft Cheats (Einzelspieler / Multiplayer)

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    • Für den Einzelspieler gibts mit einem Addon einige Commands / Cheats.

      1. Dazu einfach die angehängte Datei runterladen

      2.2.minecraft.jar öffnen in z.b. C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin
      Wenn du es nicht findest Windows Taste + R drücken für Vista und W7 und %appdata% eingeben bei XP ausführen Suchen beim Windows zeichen oder so ...
      (du musst WinRar haben minecraft.jar muss mit winrar geöffnet werden.

      3. Einfügen ;)

      4. Commands funktionieren!

      "Singleplayer Cheat Kommandos"

      *ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your position
      clear - Clears the console
      *descend - Moves you to the next platform below your position
      *destroy [all] - Destroys the current item
      *defuse [all] - Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit, drops 1 tnt in its place
      diff <VALUE> - Same as /difficulty
      difficulty <VALUE> - Sets the difficulty of the game, valid range is 0-3.
      *dupe [all] - Same as /duplicate
      *duplicate [all] - Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack
      give <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Same as /item
      goto <NAME> - Goto a waypoint
      h [COMMAND] - Same as /help
      heal <HEALTH> - Heals a player the specified number of points
      health <MIN|MAX|INFINITE> - Sets the health of a player to pre-defined figures
      help [COMMAND] - Gives general help when COMMAND isn't specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified.
      home – Teleport to spawn point
      i <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Same as /item
      item <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] – Gives player item, if quantity isn’t specified maximum amount of that item
      itemstack <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Gives the player the specified quantity of maximum item stacks of the item.
      kill – Kills the current player
      *killall [all] - Kills all nearby living creatures except for yourself.
      *killnpc [all] - Same as /killall
      l - Same as /listwaypoints
      listwaypoints - Lists all waypoints
      music [VOLUME] - Requests a music track to be played (max 2 per day, won't always work), if volume is specified, sets the volume
      p - Same as /pos
      pos – Gives current player position
      rem <NAME> - Removes the specified waypoint
      *repair [all] - Repairs the currently selected item to full health
      s <NAME> - Same as /set
      set <NAME> - Mark a waypoint on the world
      setspawn [<X> <Y> <Z>] – Set the current position as the spawn point, if X Y Z are specified sets that position as spawn point
      spawn <LIST|CREATURENAME|CREATURECODE|RANDOM> - Spawns the specified creature a few blocks away from your current position
      t <X> <Y> <Z> - Same as /tele
      tele <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleport to X Y Z coordinates.
      time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]] - Set and get the time within minecraft.

      * = New Command
    • Wenn's dich interessiert: X-Ray sowie Zombes Modpack funktioniert auch im Multiplayer.
      Von zombes modpack habe ich nur mal gelesen, näheres weiß ich nicht.
      Mit X-Ray kann man durch Wände schauen (und so einfach Diamanten finden / man hört ihn schrumpfen), Nachtsicht benutzen und einfach fliegen.
      Aber wenn sie dich erwischen, gibts nen Bann :)