[Bot] MMOCrawlerbots - Wow Bot - Leveling, Gathering, Archaeology, Fishing ...

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    • [Bot] MMOCrawlerbots - Wow Bot - Leveling, Gathering, Archaeology, Fishing ...


      Version: 00024d
      Wow: 5.2.0:16683 (Pandaria)

      Website: HERE

      Download and Help: MMOCrawler - Wow Bot
      Virus-Scan: virustotal.com/file/1a6a347d92…ff32/analysis/1346885743/

      This Version includes:

      - Anti AFK Bot
      - Fishing Bot
      - Flying Gather Bot
      - Flying Spot Fisher
      - Custom Mode
      - *NEW* Archa Bot
      - *NEW* Grindbot
      - *Alpha* Questing
      - Fight Back Mode


      Anti AFK:

      If you enable this Bot your Wow Char never will be AFK again ;-).

      You hate doin cast your fishing spell and wait till it bobs? Then our fishing bot is the solution for your problem! The bot fishes and use lures (if you want that) for you while your are watching TV, eating or enjoy your life ;D .

      Wooow!!! The price for herbs and mines explode ? Endless mining and herbing sucks? Then the Gatherbot is the right mode for you! The Bot automaticly use Mounts and collects herbs and mines.


      Options: You can set your favorit lure in the Settings tab.

      Download and Help: click here

      Diese Version enthält:

      - einen Anti AFK Bot
      - einen Fisch Bot
      - einen fliegenden Erze und Kräuter Bot
      - einen fliegenden Fischschwärme Bot
      - einen Mode wo du selber Programmieren kannst
      - *NEW* Archaelogy Bot
      - *NEW* Grindbot/ Levelbot


      Anti AFK:
      Wenn du diesen Modus wählst wird dein Char nie wieder AFK gehen ;-).

      Fisch Bot:
      Du findest es doof Stundenlang auf Fischen zu klicken und zu warten bis etwas anbeißt? Dann ist dieser Modus perfekt für dich! Der Bot Wirkt und nutzt (Köder wenn du möchtest), während du Schläfst, isst oder einfach nur dein Leben genießt ;D .

      Erz und Kräuter Bot:
      Wooow!!! Die Erzpreise im AH sind zu hoch? Stundenlanges Erz und Kräuter sammeln ist doof? Du denkst "Schon wieder neu den Beruf hochskillen...", dann ist dieser Modus perfekt für dich! Der Bot Sammelt und Lootet Kräuter und Erze.


      Optionen: Du kannst im Settings Menü deinen Köder Einstellen.

      Download und Hilfe: MMOCrawler - Wow Bot

      MMOCrawlerbots - Bot for World of Warcraft - Pandaria - YouTube


      1. _____ _ _
      2. / ____| | | |
      3. | | | |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___| | ___ __ _
      4. | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ |/ _ \ / _` |
      5. | |____| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | __/ | (_) | (_| |
      6. \_____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|\___/ \__, |
      7. __/ | __/ |
      8. |___/ |___/
      9. # Changelog 0018d - 11.03.2013
      10. - quest detection fixed
      11. - GetPet() fixed
      12. - fixed ZoneID
      13. - fixed Grinding pull distances
      14. - improved some custom classes
      15. # Changelog 0018c - 09.03.2013
      16. + updated bot for ninja wow patch
      17. # Changelog 0018b - 07.03.2013
      18. + fixed buff detection
      19. # Changelog 0018a - 07.03.2013
      20. Updated for wow patch 5.2 !
      21. # Changelog 0018 - 05.03.2013
      22. - fixed not in line of sight
      23. - mobs get blacklisted if not reachable
      24. - included milling/prospecting
      25. - included player detection
      26. - detects invalid mob
      27. - fixed water/food detection
      28. - stops movement if dismount
      29. - disables drink/food if swimming
      30. - solved unicode problem
      31. - druids/flight form could be used again
      32. - will use a pre defined mailbox if there
      33. is no mailbox in your profile
      34. # Changelog 0017d - 27.02.2013
      35. + fixed bug if character flies
      36. over node
      37. # Changelog 0017c - 27.02.2013
      38. + improved gathering speed
      39. + fixed some bugs in settings manager
      40. + fixed food/drin detection
      41. + fixed is ingame bug
      42. + fixed not in line of sight
      43. + fixed invalid mob problem
      44. + fixed unstuck problem
      45. + fixed some custom classes
      46. # Changelog 0017 - 21.02.2013
      47. + fixed critical movement bug
      48. + improved unstuck
      49. + should fly down whatever key bind
      50. + controls breath while grinding under water
      51. + fixed problem if bot generates a new path
      52. + bot should no longer run strange in one direction
      53. + improved/ fixed some custom classes
      54. New API functions:
      55. PauseBot()
      56. ContinueBot()
      57. GetBotState()
      58. GetBotDirectory() => returns the Botfolder path
      59. IniReadPath("holepath","Section","key","default") => returns IniRead value
      60. IniWritePath("holepath","Section","key","value")
      61. GetTargetAdress() => returns target object address
      62. DisableRelogger()=> returns nothing
      63. EnableRelogger()=> returns nothing
      64. GetContinentID() => returns continent ID
      65. GetZoneID() => returns zoneid
      66. UnregisterEvent()=> returns nothing
      67. RegisterEvent()=> returns nothing
      68. StartEventManager()=> returns nothing
      69. StopEventManager()=> returns nothing
      70. IsPlayerOnTaxi() => returns true / false
      71. IsUnitAlive(UnitObject) => returns unit alive true / false
      72. StopMovement()=> returns nothing
      73. # Changelog 0016c - 13.02.2013
      74. + improved grinding mode
      75. + improved npc interaction
      76. + fixed DoGrind function
      77. + added StopMovement() in API
      78. + improved general movement
      79. + fixed some bugs in grinding mode
      80. + fixed quest accept bug
      81. + fixed several bugs
      82. # Changelog 0016b - 09.02.2013
      83. + completely new fixed mesh/navigation files (don't copy the old mesh files!)
      84. use the mesh downloader or let the bot download meshs
      85. + navigation should work much smoother
      86. + plugins does start on bot startup
      87. + fixed an unstuck bug
      88. + improved archaeology mode
      89. + fixed crash bug for plugins
      90. # Changelog 0016a - 30.01.2013
      91. + stucking in water while gathering fixed
      92. + fixed problem if RunBotMode stops
      93. + fixed another rare crash bug
      94. + added some missing herbs for gathering
      95. # Changelog 0016 - 27.01.2013
      96. ---------------------
      98. Please put your Updater.exe in a new folder
      99. and start it again if you use a version before 0016.
      100. ---------------------
      101. Changelog
      102. + new and more nav meshs
      103. + improved navigation system
      104. + unstuck should work much better
      105. + flying navigation improved
      106. + fixed some default classes
      107. + updated default profiles folder
      108. + archaeology does work a way better now
      109. + fixed plugin tab
      110. New Api:
      111. string GetLastChatMessage() -> Returns last Chatmsg
      112. string ChatMessageAt(int index) -> Returns Chatmsg at index (index: 0-59)
      113. int CurrentChatBufferPosition() -> Return the Current index
      114. list GetObjectList() -> Returns a lua list ( array) with all objects
      115. int GetObjectType() -> Returns Objecttype (Item = 1, Container = 2, Unit = 3, Player = 4, GameObject = 5, DynamicObject = 6, Corpse = 7, AreaTrigger = 8)
      116. # Changelog 0015d - 15.01.2013
      117. - crashs should be fixed
      118. - Crawli App release (http://app.mmocrawlerbots.com)
      119. # Changelog 0015c - 14.01.2013
      120. - isIngame should work again
      121. - improved archaeology routine
      122. - fixed minor bugs in questing functions
      123. - fixed View map feature
      124. - fixed bug in mailbox support
      125. - dead check should work a way better
      126. - ProfilEditPro IDs changed
      127. # Changelog 0015b - 12.01.2013
      128. Changelog 0015b
      129. We recommend a clean install !
      130. CustomClasses
      131. - Improved several routines
      132. Grindbot:
      133. - Fixed pull bug
      134. Gatherbot:
      135. - Fixed AFK Bug
      136. - Improved Speed
      137. - Added Travel reversed
      138. - Added Profile Edit Pro to release folder
      139. # Changelog 0015a - 10.01.2013
      140. -fixed: Crashbug in GUI
      141. -fixed: crashbug if firewall blocks crawli
      142. -fixed: crawli is deactivated (standard setting)
      143. -fixed: HasBuff should work as intended
      144. -fixed rare Unstuck Bug in GlobalFlying Navigate
      145. -changed: enabled license system
      146. -changed: IsSpellReady() a new type of detection
      147. -changed: Improved targeting
      148. -added: Fightback Players
      149. -added: improved Firemage CC
      150. -added: improved Retribution Paladin CC
      151. # Update 0015 at 07.01.2013
      152. Login:
      153. - Users with special letters can login now
      154. New mode:
      155. - Fight back (Bot controls your character in fights)
      156. Gathering:
      157. - Fixed Elite and Mob detection
      158. - Fixed Player Detection
      159. - Fixed a Speed problem
      160. - Should run much smoother now
      161. Grinding:
      162. - Improved the Stability of Grinding
      163. - Walking to corpse is fixed
      164. - The speed of most function increased a lot
      165. General:
      166. + Added Plugin System
      167. + Added Map to view current Profile
      168. - Improved most of custom classes
      169. - Fixed Unstuck bug
      170. - Fixed Fighting Speed
      171. - Fixed some crash bugs
      172. # Update 0014c at 20.12.2012
      173. - fixed many custom classes
      174. - fixed some bugs with regeneration
      175. - fixed unstuck bug
      176. - fixed ManaPercent function now returns correct value
      177. - fixed Avoid (Gathering): does not avoid Friendly Elites
      178. - fixed Avoid (Gathering): does not avoidFriendly Mob groups
      179. - fixed Grinding/Gathering: Won't attack friendly Mobs anymore
      180. - improved regeneration
      181. - changed Regeneration Settings (General->Page 2)
      182. # Update 0014b at 17.12.2012
      183. hotfix
      184. - Fixed bug in hp and mana regeneration file.
      185. - Replaced some code in custom classes. They should act a little bit faster.
      186. # Update 0014a at 17.12.2012
      187. - ghostwalk should work normally now
      188. - improved walk precision
      189. - added walking in pull range before pulling
      190. - casting spells should work always and dont stop the bot
      191. - improved elemental shaman and feral druid routine
      192. - unstuck should work much better
      193. - fixed regenerating routine for all classes
      194. - fixed bug in settings of rogue routines
      195. - added new CustomClass functions
      196. - UnitBuffStackCount(unit,Id)
      197. - UnitBuffTimeLeft(unit,id)
      198. - UnitBuffDuration(unit,id)
      199. # Update 0014 at 13.12.2012
      200. - Added Rezz on Spirithealer after 6min
      201. - Added new Update/Install system
      202. - Fixed DirectX 9 Crashbug on Windows 8 Systems
      203. - Added more Food and Drink IDS
      204. - Start / Stop fixed
      205. - Settings tab woun't stop bot anymore
      206. # Update 0013b at 12.12.2012
      207. - Fixed for 5.1 rev 16357
      208. - Fixed Mage Regeneration Bug
      209. # Update 0013a at 11.12.2012
      210. - Added Raft support
      211. - Added Drink / Fooddetection
      212. - Fixed many bugs
      213. # Update 0013 at 10.12.2012
      214. - Added avoid elite
      215. - Added avoid mobgroups
      216. - Added a regeneration script (in CustomClasses folder) only some basics included !
      217. - Fixed Underwater gathering
      218. - Fixed IsSpellKnown
      219. # Update 0012a at 02.12.2012
      220. - isIngame check should work now again
      221. - new custom class folder structure and improved standard routines
      222. # Update 0012 at 29.11.2012
      223. - World of Warcraft 5.1 now supported
      224. - GetObjectbyID/ GetObjectByDisplayID bug fixed
      225. - fix for Windows 8 (Dx9)
      226. - fix for Windows XP
      227. - fixed gathering range
      228. - Archa mode currently disabled -> without function
      229. - mage: mirror image bug fixed
      230. - added different specs for standard custom classes
      231. - waypoint tool ready for 5.1
      232. # Update 0011 at 20.11.2012
      233. - uses the pull distance for pulling
      234. - release function for corpse should work better
      235. - fixed the Lure Bug
      236. - added Danish as new Language
      237. - added Questing Mode
      238. - added new grinding Settings
      239. - added some more Lure and Pole IDs
      240. - new Setting: WoW Folder
      241. - Bot is able to start WoW
      242. - added many new functions for Custom Mode: http://wiki.mmocrawlerbots.com/
      243. - unstuck should work much better now
      244. # Update 0010a at 08.11.2012
      245. - Fixed startup bug
      246. # Update 0010 at: 07.11.2012 #
      247. - The new GUI is ready. Have fun !
      248. - GUI supports 3 languages now
      249. - Fixed special chars. So you can login with any username and password.
      250. - Improved archa findings.
      251. - Does loot too if the character get aggro of a mob.
      252. - Fixed item's value detection for selling.
      253. - Improved the pull/fight movement.
      254. - Grinding supports vendoring now.
      255. - The mailbox profile structure changed a little bit.
      256. - Update 0009b at: 30.10.2012
      257. ~ Gatherbot crash hotfix
      258. - Update 0009a at: 29.10.2012
      259. + Added Relogger
      260. + Added Skinning
      261. + Added Herbing and Mining while Grinding
      262. ~ Improved Grindbot
      263. - Removed Gather Settings -> Use Gerneral instead
      264. - Update 0009 at: 26.10.2012
      265. + Added Grinding Bot
      266. ~ Fixed Blacklistbug
      267. ~ Fixed Gatherrange
      268. - Update 0008a at: 25.10.2012
      269. + added custom mode
      270. + helloween scripts (thanks riarry!)
      271. + completely rewritten archa mode
      272. + fixed hasBuff detection
      273. + added gathering +15 detection
      274. + fixed wrong magic bug mesh error
      275. + improved ghost release
      276. + fixed some lures problems
      277. + fixed a lot of bugs
      278. - Update 0008 at: 17.10.2012
      279. + monk does work again
      280. + added Pandaria Archa spots
      281. + Luring fixed and improved
      282. + function hasBuff fixed
      283. + pala class fixed
      284. + fixed some pather bugs
      285. + improved archa logic
      286. - Update 0007e at: 11.10.2012
      287. + Hotfix for all Custom Classes
      288. - Update 0007d at: 11.10.2012
      289. + changed release routine -> more quality for the next releases
      290. + fixed release folder; updated profiles and so on
      291. + release folders will contain version number for the future
      292. - Update 0007c at: 09.10.2012
      293. + hotfix: Updated for revision: 5.0.5:16135
      294. + hotfix: fixed lure bug
      295. + improved Gathering
      296. - Update 0007b at: 09.10.2012
      297. + hotfix: druids can use both flight forms FINALY now
      298. - Update 0007a at: 07.10.2012
      299. + hotfix: druids can use both flight forms now
      300. - Update 0007 at: 06.10.2012
      301. + druides can use normal mounts again
      302. + "flightform" support in gathering settings (swift flightform shouldn't work)
      303. - Update 0006a at: 06.10.2012
      304. + Added Spot fishing
      305. + Improved Archa
      306. + Fixed Mage CustomClass
      307. + Fixed Monk CustomClass (PLS REPORT IF IT STILL NOT WORK!!!)
      308. + Fixed luring
      309. - Update 0006 at: 03.10.2012
      310. + fixed bug which corrupts some modes
      311. + added new navigation meshs
      312. + rewritten archa mode
      313. + includes some better custom classes
      314. + includes new profiles
      315. + added spot fishing in profile editor
      316. + fixed several bugs
      317. - Update 0005c at: 01.10.2012
      318. + Improved Archa Bot
      319. + Fixed Archa Water Bug
      320. + Fixed Druid Archa Bug
      321. + Fixed select Item Bug
      322. - Update 0005b at: 29.09.2012
      323. + Fixed Mob detection
      324. + Fixed Gather Settings
      325. + Added Archa Bot
      326. + Added Custom Class command: "int GetComboPoints()"
      327. + Added Pandaria Herbs and Mines
      328. + Added Monk Custom Class
      329. - Update 0005a at: 25.09.2012
      330. + fixed fighting
      331. + Added meshes for Pandaria
      332. + Added meshes for Deepholme
      333. - Update 0005 at: 25.09.2012
      334. + fixed "wrong pw" bug (hotfix)
      335. - Update 0004a at: 16.09.2012
      336. + Fixed Mountbug
      337. + Fixed Stuckbug
      338. - Update 0004 at: 14.09.2012
      339. + Fixed Crashbug
      340. - Update 0003a at: 14.09.2012
      341. + Fixed for Wow 5.0.5:16057
      342. - Update 0003 at: 13.09.2012
      343. + Added Gatherbot
      344. - Update 0002 at: 12.09.2012
      345. + Updated to work with Wow 5.0.5:16048
      346. + Added Loot BOP Items
      Alles anzeigen
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