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OGGamer needs DEVs
BeitragZitat von HEaRiX;142241: „Don't translate with google >_> Just write english :'D“ sorry? I'll use English only from now on.
OGGamer needs DEVs
BeitragZitat von Invitation;141903: „[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]More informations? Server Version? Server Files? Special Features?[/COLOR]“ English: OGGamer is version 15 based on Ankashi files Special features we have so far are custom body/weapon glow textures, around 30+ new pick-up pets, and some different textures in Flarine, Darken City, and recently Saint City. We have the Dryad sets and Lusaka weapons and all of the new v15 CS sets/pets such as Inspector Koko, Lumia, and a working Pick-Up Pet Upgrade…
Flyff Cash Shop V3
BeitragZitat von Minimal;141887: „ Welche Files Nutzt du .? Musst das Passwort auch MD5 Hashen mit deinem Salt zB. kikugalanet oder serus oder was anderes ;)“ I use the Ankashi files and my md5 salt is kikugalanet German: Ich benutze den Ankashi Dateien und mein md5 Salz kikugalanet
OGGamer needs DEVs
Beitrag59a8a502.jpg Hello all! OGGamer is looking for sever developers, web site developers, and Map developers to be qualified you Must have experience in the specified Position Please explain the what position you are applying for and list your experience and info on how to be reached. OGGamer is mainly an English server but All People are Welcome (Multi-lingual is a plus!) OGGamer forum GERMAN Hallo alle OGGamer sever ist für Entwickler suchen, Website-Entwickler und Entwickler Karte qualifiziertem …
Flyff Cash Shop V3
BeitragERROR Invalid password
Flyff Cash Shop V3
BeitragFür mich heißt es ungültiges Passwort beim Login-Bildschirm, aber das Passwort korrekt ist und Salz ist die gleiche I dont verstehen, warum es Fehler. EDIT: For me it says invalid password at the login screen but the password is correct, and salt is the same I dont understand why it errors.