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  • Tom!

    darkesthour - - Guides/Releases


    Tom! Zitat von Tom94;149263: „Ich bin zwar immernoch der Meinung, dass das Leechen der Form ebenfalls nicht von Einfallsreichtum zeugt... (und dass man die Form, so wie sie bei dem Screenshot ist auch leicht per HEX aus meinem Antihack zaubern kann...) ...aber gespannt bin ich dennoch. Ob es was wird, mal sehen, auf jeden Fall werdet ihr, falls ihr soweit kommt, noch so einige Hürden bemerken, glaubt mir. ;) Denkt auch bei yannikMAMAs Crash Packet daran: Einfach das konkrete Packet zu blocken sc…

  • Zitat von Pumaaa;149721: „As Aeonsofts Devs are definitively DUMB, you should try passwords like kikugalanet , Aeonsoft , Neuz , MUDRA , Project Mudra, Masquerade and so on.“ To be honest that's what i thought, but maybe the devs have a little common sense. Not the managers of the server. What kind of person would put a source code on his svn if he didn't think it had sufficient encryptions used. Using a common password would just ruin it. Well this is aeonsoft so i like most people did try and …

  • Zitat von SerusUriel;149655: „The DLL files seem to be packed with another packing method. which could alter the Cryption method correct me if im wrong But to the Pros outside there: Is it possible to walk straight through the wall instead of opening the door? What i mean is: When im not mistaken the PW is only a switch that triggers in 2 ways 1st one when correct 2nd one when wrong. So when the password is correct it calls the funtion to decrypt the archive. If my idea is correct, couldnt you c…

  • Never mind i found a NeuzD.dll that is the same so don't need the neuz source. And i wasn't really wanting the full neuz source just a file that is exactly the same. which doesn't matter now.

  • I have obtained the source for the official files, cola, neuz.exe and other tools which gala/aeonsoft use for managing ingame/creating stuff through a devs svn. The archive is 7z with an aes 256 encryption which i have no idea how to crack. I spoke to a friend at college who said that a bruteforce and a dictionary attack would be useless if the password is a little complex due to the time it could/would take. Also dude to the complexness of the cytology used in aes encryption it is not impossibl…