V17 Sneak Peak! (with video)

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    • V17 Sneak Peak! (with video)

      Greetings Flyffers and Happy New Year!

      We’ve received some requests recently in regard to the results of the Global Flyff Workshop I recently attended. While I had not originally planned to report on the workshop itself, I realize it’s important to a lot of you to find out how it went, so let me cover a few things that came as a result of the workshop. Remember, the goal
      of the workshop is for us to be able to meet face to face with the developers and publishers in order to discuss important issues. It does not mean that we will have any immediate feedback or solutions for all of the problems.

      I’d also like to give you folks a sneak peak of what’s on deck for V17. It’s important to remember that any and all of this information is subject to change. We’ll of course be doing another mini-site for V17 once we’re closer to its release date, and this site will go into much more detail than you’ll see here.

      With that said, first off, let me just say that all of the great feedback we received from the community in regard to the workshop was presented to Gala-Lab. Nothing was left out. Each line item on the poll we ran in October/November was presented to them and the other Flyff publishers. However, please keep in mind that I was not able to get immediate answers to most of the issues presented, as Gala-Lab needs sufficient time to discuss options and properly address each issue internally. Also keep in mind that it takes a considerable amount of time to develop and implement new features as well as make concrete changes to existing systems.

      As you know, one of the biggest community concerns is/was with the lack of sufficient inventory space and inventory management, especially considering how many items are necessary for many players to enjoy Flyff effectively. Gala-Lab understands this concern, and has decided to include a new feature in V17 that will help to alleviate this problem. Their solution is to allow for more inventory space by including “tabs” on the actual inventory window. These tabs contain their own storage “area”, but are designed to hold only specific types of items.

      As of right now, the design is as follows:

      4 Inventory Tabs:
      Tab 1: Items (this is the same as the current inventory)
      Tab 2: Fashion Items
      Tab 3: Pet Items
      Tab 4: Quest Items

      You can see an image of what this will look like here:

      While we realize this will not address the entire issue (especially consumable items, cards, upgrading materials, etc.), we are continuing to work with Gala-Lab in order to improve upon this. We think it’s definitely a good start.

      Among the other top issues we discussed, class balance and bugs were two issues I spent a considerable amount of time talking about. And while I don’t have any concrete plans to share regarding class balance for the 1st and 2nd job change classes, I am able to report that the 3rd job classes are receiving a full rebalancing pass in the very near future. Gala-Lab realizes that the 3rd Job classes need to be improved, so you can expect to see some retuning of most, if not all, of the new skills and modifications to allow the new skills to scale better from the old ones in terms of damage, duration and cost.

      Aside from the above, I don’t currently have any other feedback to share in regards to the top concerns presented to Gala-Lab during the workshop. I can however promise that we will continue to push these issues with them in hopes of receiving updates to address your concerns.

      Later this month, V17 will be pushed live on kFlyff (Flyff Korea). I would like to give you all a sneak peak of what’s to come in the new update. However, as I said before, please keep in mind that any or all of this information is subject to change in the coming months before it is pushed to our community.

      View the V17 Teaser Video on our YouTube page here:
      YouTube - Kanal von officialflyffus

      1. Maximum Level Extended
      2. The Coliseum
      3. New Area
      4. New Inhabitants
      5. New Monsters (For the new area)
      6. New Instanced Dungeon
      7. New Monsters (For the new instanced dungeon)
      8. New Armor
      9. Other features being added/updated:
      This is just a short list of additional features you will likely see in V17. Additional details will be made available at a later date:

      1. 2nd Job Change Quest Revamp

      2. New Quests:
      ~ New Office Quests
      ~ New Area Boss Quests
      ~ New Instanced Dungeon Party Quests
      ~ Several New Chain Quests

      3. Cooperation System
      ~ Cooperate with other players on your server to accomplish a goal for awesome rewards!

      4. Baruna Upgrade System Enhancements
      ~ New Piercing mechanic including some neat new debuffs
      ~ Baruna Weapon Awakening
      ~ Baruna Weapon Elementing

      5. Weapon Upgrade Effect Enhancements
      ~ Improvements to the “glowy” effect on weapons

      6. Fashion Combination System
      ~ Combine multiple fashion sets together to consolidate the Blessing of the Goddess bonuses from each set to one

      7. Reset Button for the Options Menu

      8. Addition of Dungeon information to the World Map

      9. Messages for receiving gifted items from another player

      10. Group AI enhancements for Masquerpets
      ~ Masquerpets are getting smarter! Now they will employ new tactics when in groups, following the instructions of their leader.

      Maximum Level Extended

      The level cap will be extended to Level 150. The last several updates have been working towards this goal. With the level increase, you should see more stat points awarded at each level.

      The Coliseum

      The Coliseum System allows players to form groups and take on bosses for loot and glory! There will be a dozen different stages for different encounters with a boss monster at each stage. Players will have a time limit to defeat the boss monster in order to complete the encounter. As with any competition style coliseum, players will be able to compete for weekly and monthly rankings. Even low level players can enjoy this system!

      New Area

      A brand new area to complete the northern continent will be introduced. Located to the west of the Kaillun Grassland, this new area consists of very high level monsters, a new town, and even a new instanced dungeon.

      You can see some screenshots from the new area here that showcase its desert-like quality and its lone oasis in the northeast.


      Inhabitants of the new area include Muran and Human alike. These locals may be available to aid you while exploring the new area.

      New Monsters

      Several new terrifying foes can be found by the wayward explorer in the mysterious new area east of the Kaillun Grassland. Tread lightly, as some of them are in a terrible mood…

      …while some, can only be found on the rare occasion, taunting those who would challenge its dominance.

      New Instanced Dungeon

      Nestled in the new area west of the Kaillun Grasslands, a new instanced dungeon has emerged to challenge the elite adventurers of Madrigal. Lurking in the dark alcoves of this dungeon, explorers may be in for a frightening discovery.

      Ferocious Masquerpets await the weary traveler who dares enter this mysterious underground cave.

      With a sinister being entrenched in the shadows…

      New Armor

      Within the depths of this new instanced dungeon, adventurers will find a new series of armor available for high level players.

      Well folks, that’s pretty much it for your sneak peak at V17. We’ll have more detailed information for you as we get down the stretch! Stay tuned!

      All images shown above are property of GALA Labs!
    • Werbung zur Unterstützung des Forums ( Bitte AddBlocker deaktivieren )

    • [FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]Ui v17 schon :o erst mal danke für deine Infos hört sich ja teilweise recht interessant an.
      Schon wieder eine Max-Levelerhöhung finde ich allerdings echt doof ~.~ dauert ja eh schon ewig o.o

      was sich echt interessant hört ist das hier :
      10. Group AI enhancements for Masquerpets
      ~ Masquerpets are getting smarter! Now they will employ new tactics when in groups, following the instructions of their leader.
    • Valron;219279 schrieb:

      dFlyff hat es bis jetzt noch nicht geschafft die ganzen Bugs die durch V16 kamen
      zu entfernen und schon kommt hier eine Ankündigung von V17...

      Aber die Updates hören sich schon recht gut an.


      GALA Labs versucht jetzt mithilfe von Benutzern des Spiels das Gameplay zu verbessern und Bugs zu fixen. Mit der neuen Erweiterung wird der Nordkontinent vervollständigt und man kann nicht mehr erahnen, was in der nächsten Version kommt! ;)
    • luia;219280 schrieb:

      sehr schön das hättest dir auch sparen können kflyff hat nix mit deutschen flyff zu tuen!
      Und ist komplett anderes! Was davon übernommen wird abgeändert wird ect wissen wir also nicht.

      Bist du dumm?!
      ca 95% werden übernommen.
      Wenn man keine Ahnung hat einfach mal die Fresse halten? DANKE! :)
    • luia;219285 schrieb:

      bist du dumm?
      schon mal auf kflyff gewesen? Ich denke nicht!
      Das ganze spiel ist dort komplett anders!

      Junge das ist Cflyff! kFlyff entspricht in etwa dem deutschen und englischen Flyff!
      Außerdem wieso wurden diese Updates auch bei dFlyff gepostet, wenn sie nicht stimmen?
      Tja ******* wa?
      Also klappe halten :)
    • [INDENT] Ninpa sei leise und fix lieber die Grafikbugs in diesem Forum, anstatt dumme Verwarnungen auszusprechen [/INDENT]
      Dumm ist es erst wenn die Verwarnung nicht gerechtfertig war.
      Aber in deinem Fall mit min. 4 Doppelposts ?

      War es natürlich NICHT gerechtfertigt :)

      Beim nächsten mal gibt es Urlaub.
    • Ichisouke;219281 schrieb:

      GALA Labs versucht jetzt mithilfe von Benutzern des Spiels das Gameplay zu verbessern und Bugs zu fixen. Mit der neuen Erweiterung wird der Nordkontinent vervollständigt und man kann nicht mehr erahnen, was in der nächsten Version kommt! ;)

      Na das hört sich doch gut an. :)

      Mal sehen, was daraus wird.^^

      ich denke du verwechselst kFlyff mit cFlyff. ;)
      Von kFlyff wird normalerweise alles übernommen.

    • Asura-Cryin;219288 schrieb:

      [FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]Wollen wir hoffen das wirklich alles übernommen wird, aber noch interessanter wäre wenn ein P-Server die Files in die Finger bekommen würde, dann v17 Offi-Like nur mit 10x Rates, da würde selbst ich wieder mal ein wenig Flyff spielen o.o[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

      DemonFlyff hat schon den v17-Client und wird in den kommenden Tagen damit anfangen v17 nachzuprogrammieren! Wenn sie schon das Level auf 150 erhöhen, werden sie auch die EXP, die man pro Monster bekommt, erhöhen. Denn so wie jetzt ist das kaum machbar!
    • mein Gott, schon artet es wieder in sinnloses Gelaber aus hier. Könnt ihr nicht einmal beim Thema bleiben?!
      Das wäre hier z.B. Flyff - V17 ;) Also bitte reißt euch mal ein wenig zusammen ...

      Bin wirklich auf dieses Update gespannt :)

      hört sich gut an, wenn sie das schaffen werde ich auf jeden Fall wieder anfangen ein wenig zu spielen o:
    • Asura-Cryin;219301 schrieb:

      [FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]Hoffen wir das es wirklich so ist, weil dann geht es evtl doch wieder in die richtige Richtung für Flyff :)
      Vielleicht schaffen sie es dann auch endlich einen Dropfilter für Cs-Pets einzubauen xD[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

      so wie es da steht hat man für cards oder questis halt je 1 eigenes inventar.
      Ist zwar nicht ganz ein pet filter aber immer shcon mal inventar filter :)
    • luia;219285 schrieb:

      bist du dumm?
      schon mal auf kflyff gewesen? Ich denke nicht!
      Das ganze spiel ist dort komplett anders!

      Bist du dumm?
      C und K sind zwei verschiedene Buchstaben

      Also dieser Instace Dungeon sieht ziemlich nach Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens aus xD

      Ohja und rate mal wie der Monstereintrag heißt.
      Richtig; MI_BASILISK