Swap bug Quick fix

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    • Swap bug Quick fix

      Hi I fixed the swap bug a long time ago it got tested on my server and it worked :thumbup1:
      I posted this because someone kinda posted a youtube thingy about it :O.

      Find this in DPSrv.cpp @ worldserver


      1. void CDPSrvr::OnDoEquip( CAr & ar, DPID dpidCache, DPID dpidUser, LPBYTE lpBuf, u_long uBufSize )
      2. {
      3. DWORD nId;
      4. int nPart;
      5. ar >> nId;
      6. ar >> nPart;
      7. if( nPart >= MAX_HUMAN_PARTS )
      8. return;
      9. CUser* pUser = g_UserMng.GetUser( dpidCache, dpidUser );
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      And put this under it


      1. #ifdef __QUGET_SWAP_FIX
      2. if( pUser->GetHitPoint() > pUser->GetMaxHitPoint() )
      3. pUser->SetHitPoint( pUser->GetMaxHitPoint());
      4. if( pUser->GetManaPoint() > pUser->GetMaxManaPoint() )
      5. pUser->SetManaPoint( pUser->GetMaxManaPoint() );
      6. if( pUser->GetFatiguePoint() > pUser->GetMaxFatiguePoint() )
      7. pUser->SetFatiguePoint( pUser->GetMaxFatiguePoint() );
      8. #endif
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      find this in function void CDPClient::OnDoEquip( OBJID objid, CAr & ar ) @ DPClient.cpp
      and add under


      1. if( g_WndMng.m_pWndBeautyShop && g_WndMng.m_pWndBeautyShop->m_pModel )
      2. {
      3. CMover::UpdateParts( pPlayer->GetSex(), pPlayer->m_dwSkinSet, pPlayer->m_dwFace, pPlayer->m_dwHairMesh, pPlayer->m_dwHeadMesh, pPlayer->m_aEquipInfo, g_WndMng.m_pWndBeautyShop->m_pModel, &pPlayer->m_Inventory );
      4. }



      1. #ifdef __QUGET_SWAP_FIX
      2. if( pPlayer->GetHitPoint() > pPlayer->GetMaxHitPoint() )
      3. pPlayer->SetHitPoint( pPlayer->GetMaxHitPoint());
      4. if( pPlayer->GetManaPoint() > pPlayer->GetMaxManaPoint() )
      5. pPlayer->SetManaPoint( pPlayer->GetMaxManaPoint() );
      6. if( pPlayer->GetFatiguePoint() > pPlayer->GetMaxFatiguePoint() )
      7. pPlayer->SetFatiguePoint( pPlayer->GetMaxFatiguePoint() );
      8. #endif
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      and then define __QUGET_SWAP_FIX in versioncommon.h @neuz and worldserver
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