Changelogs vom 19.4

    • Changelogs vom 19.4

      - Enabled Brewmaster!
      - Bane: Fixed Nightmare dispelling on self damage (e.g. Rot).
      - Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot target sometimes being able to move away while you are traveling.
      - Clockwerk: Fixed aoe around Hookshot not reliably affecting the area.
      - Earthshaker: Fixed cases where invulnerable units could get stuck inside Fissure.
      - Juggernaut: Fixed Omnislash jumping to couriers.
      - Lina: Fixed Dragon Slave's cast range being too short.
      - Lone Druid: Added a visual effect at the Spirit Bear's old location when it's recast.
      - Lone Druid: Fixed a bug when Spirit Bear would disassemble an item, causing it to have no owner.
      - Nightstalker: Added duration buff for Darkness.
      - Pudge: Fixed Dismember damage happening one second too late.
      - Spirit Breaker: Fixed case where he could get stuck when using Nether Strike.
      - Viper: Fixed Corrosive Skin affecting Serpent Wards.
      - Fixed being able to deny yourself (while under poison) if you attack through the hero icon at the top.
      - Fixed Linken Sphere proccing for secondary hits of Chain Lightning and Lightning Storm.
      - Fixed Magic Immunity removing Poison Attack debuff.
      - Fixed hero deaths not disjointing incoming projectiles (in the case of fast respawns/buyback).
      - Fixed bug that was causing attack projectiles to be slightly out of sync with the server.
      - Fixed units not always respecting the ability backswing time (without animation canceling), causing animations to sometimes end faster than normal.

      - Fixed creepstats not being visible to spectators.

      - Updated Nevermore's Requiem of Souls.
      - Added an effect for Nevermore's Necromastery.

      DOTA 2 BOTS
      - Bots will now use couriers.
      - While there are any disconnected humans on the opposing team, bots will now select the most appropriate corresponding hero or heroes on their team to go back to the fountain to try to keep teams somewhat balanced.
      - Bots will no longer forget about heroes they're trying to kill when they go invulnerable.
      - Changed how bots think about attacking wards/minions, they should behave more reasonably now.
      - When bots defend a tower, they should now be more aggressive about transitioning into attacking, rather than milling around behind the tower.
      - Mid bots are now less likely to roam at early levels.
      - Fixed bug that was causing Zeus to killsteal (too much) with his Ult.
      - Earthshaker bot will no longer use Echo Slam to kill a lone hero unless that hero is a hard carry.
      - Earthshaker bot will no longer use Echo Slam on a target that it thinks is about to die anyways.
      - Windrunner bot will now buy Mekansm rather than Blademail.
      - Fixed bug that could cause poorly-aimed fissures and powershots.
      - Windrunner bot will now use Powershot when pushing/defending a lane, and sometimes to harass/last-hit while laning.
      - Fixed bug where Kunkka bot would freeze when trying to kill a non-hero target.
      - Fixed bug where Dire bots would respond to pings from spectators.

      'n Mod könnte auch nen Changelog Thread machen, den man dann immer updaten könnte :p

      Wenn man sieht was an den Bots alles verändert wird ist das zu LoL einfach nur WOW :D
    • Werbung zur Unterstützung des Forums ( Bitte AddBlocker deaktivieren )

    • - Fixed bug where you would sometimes constantly reselect yourself when dead.
      - Fixed bug that would always cause Brewmaster to appear to be available in SD.
      - Fixed bug with Pudge and Aghanim's.
      - Fixed Brewmaster not distributing death rewards when dying while split.

      update vom 20.

      Ich mach das jetzt einfach mal zum offiziellen Changelog Thread :p
    • Doppelposts sind nur nach 24H erlaubt.
      Um dies zu vermeiden, kannst du die Editierfuktion benutzen!

      Hmm... Ich habe mich leider vertan. Entschuldige bitte :P Komischerweise dachte ich, obwohl dort "gestern" steht, dass es halt heute um 2 Uhr Nachts erstellt wurde.

      Damit meins nun nicht ganz spamm ist:
      - When bots defend a tower, they should now be more aggressive about transitioning into attacking, rather than milling around behind the tower.

      Also ich habe bei Bots immernoch das Problem, dass sie oft hinterm Tower stehen und nicht wirklich aggressiver spielen. Ich spiele zwar auf "Einfacherer" (ja, ich bin Dota 2 Noob), jedoch sehe ich es selten, dass sie mich angreifen, wenn ich deren Tower angreif.
    • Update vom 26.4

      - Added Brewmaster to Captain's Mode
      - Fixed non-hero units like Spirit Bear breaking smoke of deceit.
      - Fixed Burning Spear counter being reset by BKB.
      - Fixed illusions stealing Magic Stick/Wand charges from the owner.
      - Fixed a new bug with Riki's Blink Strike causing it to not attack right away.
      - Fixed True Form / Druid Form being cancelled and interruptable.
      - Fixed attack FoW reveal to happen when an attack fires off, rather than when your animation starts.
      - Fixed bug that would sometimes cause move commands or abilities to execute at odd times.
      - Fixed bug where DotaTV director would stop directing in the last minutes of the game.
      - Fixed Vanguard's block chance being too low.
      - Fixed Brewmaster's primal splits creating illusions from Wall of Replica.
      - Fixed Brewmaster not receiving XP when split.

      - Heroes will no longer lose their shadows.
      - Item Icon have been redesigned
      [We plan to continue update these over the next few weeks, please give us your thoughts in this forum (]Item Icon Feedback
      - New visual style for Lion.
      - New Town Portal effect.

      -Some heroes will now call out to allies they encounter in the field during the early phases of a game.

      - Fixed control groups breaking in the case where a hero has unit sharing enabled and another hero tries to control group one of the summons.
      - Fixed a case where casting an ability to control a unit (ie. Chen's Persuasion), then querying the unit before the ability fired would not end up with the unit in a selected state and the abilities would not be usable.
      - Fixed damage done to player-controlled units not showing up in the combatlog.
      - Fixed attributes tooltip not showing the correct values for Spirit Bear (or other hero-like) units.

      - Bots can call out "top missing!" etc if an opponent goes away during the laning phase.
      - Bots are now more likely to use the Side Shop. They will hold off purchasing items if they think they'll be able to get them from the Side Shop soon, and are more likely to actually walk there to pick them up.
      - Bots no longer forget/ignore units that are reincarning.
      - Bots will now use couriers that are holding their items, even if the courier is currently returning to base.
      - Bots will only use couriers that are idle in base, so they shouldn't grab couriers as soon as they stop moving in, for example, the secret shop.
      - When a bot dies, if it had a courier en route, it will send the courier back to base.
      - Juggernaut is now more likely to use Omnisliash in teamfights, particularly when he thinks he can get all slashes on heroes.
      - Bots will no longer purchase items during the hero pick phase of the game.
      - Bots will no longer use any of their abilities on Passive difficulty.
      - Made Windrunner bot slightly more likely to use Powershot when ganking, and less likely to use Windrun for non-panic retreats.
      - Fixed bug that, under certain hero combinations, could cause lane selection to thrash.
      - Improved the Team Roam behavior, they should no longer clump up and get stuck, and should deal with any creeps attacking them.
      - Increased bot sensitivity to human pings for pushing and defending.
      - Increased range at which a non-carry bot will defer last-hitting to a carry bot. Non-hard-carries will now also defer to hard carries.

      Muss erstmal mit dem neuen Interface klarkommen :'D

      Das neue Item Design ( links neue/ rechts alte)

      Im nächsten Patch wird wohl Phantom Lancer eingefügt.
      Phantom Lancer - DotA Hero Details

      Weitere Infos Dota 2 25th April Patch
      • Dota2_NewHUD.jpg

        103,33 kB, 1.009×631, 1.083 mal angesehen
      • Dota2_HUDShop.jpg

        99,02 kB, 949×677, 614 mal angesehen
    • Update vom 4.5


      - Added Phantom Lancer!
      - Fixed being able to use ping to identify illusions.
      - Fixed bug where we wouldn't always upgrade couriers in order of creation.
      - Fixed potential dispel threshold being calculated after damage reduction rather than before (fixes stuff like Bloodrage not dispeling potions).
      - Fixed being able to blink if you became rooted after you started casting.
      - Fixed unit conversion spells (Enchant, Persuasion, etc) not removing existing debuffs properly.
      - Fixed Searing Arrows not stacking with Eye of Skadi.
      - Fixed Satyr firing Shockwave onto smoked/invisible heroes.
      - When the courier returns items to the stash, items owned by the other team are now dropped on the ground.
      - Fixed Spirit Bear teleporting far away from you with Return (causing it to get stuck in trees sometimes).
      - Attacking units now follow their target and then resume attack orders after getting disarmed.
      - Updated attack animation for Spectre, with more impact on hit frame.

      - Tranquil Boots regen is now displayed on the HP bar.
      - Clicking "No Courier" opens the shop with the courier item selected.
      - As spectator, clicking courier button now queries the courier for the current query unit's team.
      - Fixed creepstats drawing for all units when spectating.
      - Fixed missing shared cooldown on the first use of an item.
      - Extended the health bar above the stats area.
      - Centered respawn label when showing death panel but not the buyback button.
      - Fixed a case where the cooldown swipe on buffs was not initialized and rotated backwards continuously.
      - Fixed top bar timer not initializing
      - Selling back a limited stock item within the sellback time restocks the shop.
      - Broadcasters can now draw lines in the world.

      - Bots now use their defense mode desire to determine when to use Glyph, rather than having an independent calculation for it.
      - Bots will no longer use items or abilities when they are individually disabled.
      - Bots now switch out of "early game" when either team becomes powerful, rather than just when the opposing team does. This prevents situations where one team is roaming and pushing and the other team is still trying to lane.

      eigentlich nichts besonderes, nur ein neuer Champ :p
    • Update vom 5.5

      - Fixed bug where Doppelwalk illusions weren’t getting stats from their attribute bonus.
      - Fixed bug where a red ring was visible to the opposing team under an invisible PL after his Doppelwalk illusion died.
      - Fixed bug when Doppelwalking where there would sometimes be a visible jump in PL’s health bar to the enemy team.
      - Fixed some values in damage output/input from Juxtapose illusions.
    • Update vom 17.5

      - Enabled Treant Protector!
      - Ancient Apparition: Fixed Ethereal and Guardian Angel blocking Ice Blast's shatter.
      - Batrider: Fixed bug with refreshing old stacks of Napalm after upgrading the ability.
      - Beastmaster: Fixed Inner Beast not affecting siege units.
      - Chen: Fixed Holy Persuasion working on Spirit Bear.
      - Dazzle: Fixed Shadow Wave not doing its damage around the aoe of the last target.
      - Doom: Fixed Sphere working under Doom (Sphere will still block Doom).
      - Drow: Fixed Trueshot Aura not affecting siege units.
      - Lich: Fixed timing on Chain Frost ministun.
      - Lone Druid: Fixed Entangle affecting wards.
      - Lone Druid: Fixed Battle Cry not affecting other units he owns.
      - Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Arcane Orb against wards.
      - Puck: Fixed being able to cast Phase Shift while rooted.
      - Pudge: Fixed Meat Hook interrupting channeling spells if the target is magic immune.
      - Riki: Fixed being unable to cast for a brief moment after using Blink Strike.
      - Spirit Breaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness not getting interrupted by ensnares.
      - Fixed all heroes having 1 armor more than intended.
      - Fixed Medallion of Courage interaction with Magic Immune units.
      - Fixed denying an allied Necronomicon unit causing Last Will to hurt you.
      - Fixed dying to Neutrals ending your kill streak counter.

      - You can now ping runes to let your teammates know which type of rune it is.
      - Tranquil boots now update movement speed and armor on the HUD when broken.
      - You can now click on player names in the waiting for players dialog to go to their Steam or Dota 2 profiles.
      - For units with lifetime (wards, illusions), the XP bar is now used to show lifetime remaining.

      - Added a new player-only aegis post-death effect.
      - Fixed some spells not obeying the "no screen shake" setting.
      - Added healing overhead messages for Mek, Chen, Lifestealer, Necrolyte, and Witch Doctor.
      - Added bonus damage overhead message for Lifestealer's Feast.
      - Gave Death Prophet's spirits a unique attack effect when hitting buildings.

      - Added additional dialog for Earthshaker, Pudge, Storm Spirit, Shadow Fiend, and Doombringer.

      - Bots on medium difficulty or below will no longer try to interrupt channels.
      - When doing Rosh, bots will no longer wait for their optimal tank. Now they'll start attacking when more than one hero has arrived, and will use the best tank of the heroes present.
      - Bots will no longer consider damage from passives as an indication that a human is intending to attack-to-kill.
      - Fixed bug where bots wouldn't use the courier if their stash was empty (even if they had items on the courier).
      - Bots will be slightly more aggressive about using couriers that are carrying their items.
    • [U]Update vom 18.5[/U]

      - Fixed bug that could result in invalid particle effects
      - Fixed Warlock Golem being able to buy and use items.

      Und heute wurden die Updates vom 9.5 nachgereicht.

      - Enabled Phantom Lancer in Captain's Mode.
      - Fixed turn rates for the following heroes: Lifestealer, Alchemist, Clockwerk, Bounty Hunter, Dark Seer, Dazzle, Ancient Apparition, Brewmaster, Chen, Silencer, Lone Druid, Spectre and Spiritbreaker.
      - Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction self explosion still stunning you if you are invulnerable.
      - Alchemist: Fixed night vision being too small.
      - Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction damage being too small.
      - Bane: Fixed being unable to nightmare non-hero units.
      - Batrider: Fixed Flamebreak to not trigger Sphere.
      - Beastmaster: Fixed Aghanim's Primal Roar cast range being 50 too short.
      - Beastmaster: Fixed base damage being slightly too low.
      - Brewmaster: Fixed attack range being 138 instead of 128.
      - Brewmaster: Fixed critical strike working against wards.
      - Brewmaster: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.75).
      - Brewmaster: Fixed Primal Split's Wind element being unable to Dispel Sandstorm.
      - Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs bounty being too small.
      - Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs knockback speed and distance being too small.
      - Clockwerk: Fixed Rocket Flare reveal aoe.
      - Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs having very small night vision.
      - Crystal Maiden: Fixed Crystal Nova vision.
      - Dark Seer: Fixed Vacuum tree aoe destruction being too big.
      - Dragon Knight: Fixed very minor inaccuracy on Dragon Form attack range.
      - Enigma: Fixed Eidolon split attack count incrementing on allied unit attacks.
      - Invoker: Fixed Chaos Meteor burn damage being a little too low.
      - Juggernaut: Fixed Omnislash selection aoe being slightly too big.
      - Lifestealer: Fixed Feast working against wards.
      - Lone Druid: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.5).
      - Lone Druid: Fixed Spirit Bear getting trapped in Power Cogs and Sprout.
      - Lone Druid: Fixed Entangling Roots working on wards.
      - Lycan: Fixed Shapeshift speed boost disappearing from other units upon Lycan.
      - Lycan: Fixed other controlled units not getting movement buff if created after Shapeshift was cast.
      - Lycan: Fixed Shapeshift not healing for the amount of bonus HP he gains.
      - Morphling: Fixed being able to heal under Ice Blast.
      - Nevermore: Fixed Requiem of Souls travel distance being too small.
      - Outworld Destroyer: Fixed arcane orb doing bonus damage to Warlock illusions.
      - Puck: Fixed attack range.
      - Puck: Fixed channel time on level 4 Phase Shift.
      - Pugna: Fixed Life Drain range not improving with Aghanim's Scepter.
      - Riki: Fixed Blink Strike not guaranteeing a backstab proc.
      - Shadow Fiend: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.5).
      - Slardar: Fixed Crush duration on creeps.
      - Spiritbreaker: Fixed base HP regeneration (0.25->0.75).
      - Spiritbreaker: Fixed base Intelligence.
      - Warlock: Fixed Golem's Flaming Fists doing half damage in a bigger aoe.
      - Fixed Force Staff cast range (600->800).
      - Fixed Bloodstone charge loss from 30 to 33%.
      - Fixed Shiva's Guard blast radius.
      - Fixed Manta invulernability duration (0.23->0.1).
      - Fixed Tranquil Boots broken movement speed being too low.
      - Fixed Shiva's Guard not granting unobstructed vision during the cast phase.
      - Fixed Satyr Hellcaller's Shockwave doing less damage than intended.
      - Fixed Neutral Ursa Warrior Thunder Clap doing 20% slow instead of 25%.
      - Fixed Ghost's frost attack missing 15 bonus damage.
      - Fixed minor inaccuracy on dire range upgraded creeps bounty.
      - Fixed Ogre Mauler having 3 extra armor.
      - Fixed Spirit Bear bounty being too low.
      - Fixed Greater Boar unit level.
      - Fixed Healing Ward vision radius.
      - Fixed Lycan Wolves giving too much XP.
      - Fixed Freezing Field ground slow aoe being slightly off.
      - Fixed Heaven's Halberd's disarm not being dispellable.

      - If no stats will be recorded for a match due to someone leaving too early the abandonment message will now reflects this.
      - Fixed hero-type units (like Brewmaster's splits) being able to purchase items directly into the Stash from the Secret Shop.
      - Added free camera control for Spectators and Replays (dota_free_camera in the console).
      - All events involving player-controlled units now show up in the combat log.
      - Added new Director event for when Roshan spawns.

      - Fixed smoke of deceipt not making some heroes invisible (it was visual only).
      - Added healing overhead messages to Dazzle and Omni

      - Fixed bug that would cause bots to clump at the center of map rather than roaming to gank a target.
      - Fixed bug that would cause bots to run out of the fountain prematurely sometimes rather than healing up.
      - Bots should now only buy TP scrolls when at the home base or side shops, and will want to buy a TP scroll if they don't have one in their inventory.
      - Bots will now only buyback after the laning phase is done.
      - Vengeful Spirit bot will now use Nether Swap to interrupt channels.
      - Bots will now forget whether a hero is an illusions or not when they lose sight of it.
      - Bots will now properly disable themselves for team-balance even if the opposing player disconnects before hero selection.
      - Made bots doing something else more responsive to Push ping requests.
      - Made bots more wary about trying to farm lanes with enemies potentially nearby.
      - Made Razor a carry for now to help him get selected more.
      - On Easy, bots will no longer use Force Staff, Orchid, or Phase Boots.
      - On Easy, bots will no longer preferentially attack real heroes rather than illusions
      - Reworked how Roshan desire is computed, it's now done on a per-team basis rather than per-hero.
      - Fixed bug where bots wouldn't buy back once they'd run out of items to buy.
      - Fixed bug where Earthshaker bot's desire to Enchant Totem would somtimes override his desire to Echo Slam.
      - Fixed bug that would cause Tidehunter bot to occassionally use Ravage on just creeps.
      - Bots that are healing in the fountain will no longer run out to meet their courier.
    • Update vom 24.5

      - Added Ogre Magi!

      - New Dashboard! (feedback here) // hier ein kleines video dazu.
      - New Hero Picker! (feedback here) Dota 2 New Dashboard - YouTube


      - Enabled Treant Protector in Captain's Mode.
      - Spectre: Fixed Haunt Illusions having collision.
      - Lifestealer: Fixed Rage being dispellable.
      - Spirit Breaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness immediately failing when cast on Razor's Unstable Current.
      - Bounty Hunter: Fixed a bug that could sometimes allow Jinada to work on buildings.
      - Fixed Black King Bar not dispelling Haste and Double Damage.


      - Revised performance bar calculation and display.
      - Added support for putting bots into individual slots in a private lobby.
      - Fixed issue where the camera would recenter when quickly switching between different control groups.
      - Fixed incorrect player id when pinging runes.
      - Added a short cooldown to the chat message when pinging a rune.
      - Added disconnected player icon in scoreboard and top bar.


      - The game start horns now play different cues from each team location and are now spatial.
      - Added sound when the courier delivers items to you.


      - First pass at spectator-only Roshan timer.
      - Added overhead healing messages for Warlock and Bloodseeker.
      - Fixed a visual hitch sometimes experienced while spectating using Directed view.


      - Increased bot cautiousness when going to the side shop.
      - When invisible, bots will now only use abilities or items that they really want to use.
      - Bots are now more likely to roam and gank when invisible.
      - Juggernaut bot will no longer offensively use Blade Fury when he's sufficiently powerful (better to just attack).
      - Zeus will now use Wrath in teamfights.

      - Fixed bug where Vengeful bot could try to swap out-of-range allies.

      Also mir sagt das neue Dashboard ganz und gar nicht zu :/
    • Delinquenz;296407 schrieb:

      Ist vom 28.5. nicht vom 29.8. :P

      Immer noch kein Multi-Monitor Fix..

      naja ich mach immer +1 Tag, da der Patch bei uns auch erst einen Tag später erscheint :p
      naja die +3 monate waren nicht extra.
      Naja wenn du schonmal hier bist kannst du endlich mal den Thread Titel ändern :D
    • Update vom 31.5

      - Added the Dota 2 Store!

      - Enabled Ogre Magi in Captain's Mode.
      - Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust autocast interrupting your TP scroll.
      - Ogre Magi: Fixed Multicast Fireblast not extending the stun duration.
      - Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust being castable on magic immune units.
      - Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust Multicast being used up by couriers.
      - Ogre Magi: Fixed Fireblast Mutlicast stopping if you die while it is multicast.
      -Ogre Magi: Added unique effect for unrefined fireblast
      - Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Arcane Orb not working on Illusions recently.

      - Fixed losses and abandons not showing correctly on your own profile.
      - Kill Cam panel now shows any custom items the killer was wearing.

      - Empowering Haste visual no longer shows up on creeps
      - Added new effect for unrefined fireblast.

      DOTA 2 BOTS
      - Fixed bug where bots would run out of their base immediately after teleporting to it.
      - Fixed bug that could cause bots to prioritize a temporarily invalid unit (nightmared, reincarnating, etc) over one that is currently valid.
      - Fixed case where bots would prioritize other desires over picking up Aegis/Cheese/Rapier.
      - Fixed a number of bugs that could cause bots to get stuck near Roshan.
      - Easier and Easy bots will now have ability usage lockouts where they're periodically unable to use items and abilities.
      - Fixed bug where passive bots would get stuck trying to ward.
      - Fixed bug where Dire-side lobby slots would be inaccessible when there were bots in the corresponding Radiant-side lobby slot.

      Endlich ist der Store da!

      Hier mal 'n paar Infos was Drin ist.
      Einige Hero skins, für die einen mehr für die anderen weniger / keine :p
      Hier mal ein Beispiel:
      Der Drow Ranger Komplett Skin würde im nicht reduzierten Bundle 3.76€ kosten, natürlich kann man auch einzelne Parts kaufen.
      einzelne Parts:
      Bogen: 1.19€
      Kopf: 1.19€
      Handschuhe: 0.59€
      Bein: 0.79€

      Außerdem gibt es auch Skins für verschiedene Skills.
      Als Beispiel nehme ich mal Natures Prophets "Natures Call".
      Die Bäume sehen dann so aus.

      Neben den Skills und Heros gibts auch neue Courier Skins die dann von 6€ bis 10€ kosten.
      Das "Mighty boar" kostet 9.49€

      Battle Bonus:
      The drop rate boosting souls have been renamed to “Battle Bonuses”, which makes sense seeing as the newest revision of the dashboard UI refers to your profile’s level/xp as Battle Points, suggesting that the higher level you are (eg the more you play), the higher chance you have of items dropping for you.

      Diese Battle Bonuses gibts dann einmal für 3 Tage (1.19€) und einmal für 6 Tage (2.39€).


      The gifting system works very similar to the TF2 one, a player who has the gift item activates it and depending on the type of gift they have either one person will get a random gift or everyone will.

      Naja es gibt halt Geschenke die:
      einer zufälligen Person auf dem Server (ausser dem Benutzer) ein Item gibt (0.79€)
      9 zufälligen Personen auf dem Server ( ausser dem Benutzer) ein Item gibt (7.24€)
      25 zufälligen Personen auf dem Server ( ausser dem Benutzer) ein Item gibt (19.99€)
      aber warum man das kaufen sollte weiß ich auch nicht wirklich.
      • dota_bundle_drow_ranger_spikes_frost_large.cc8551347fd65c30dddd54cb287a863be74d5bc7.jpg

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        17,34 kB, 511×339, 443 mal angesehen
    • Update vom 1. und 2. Juni :


      - Fixed drag selection bug.
      - In RD we now show a proper countdown until the entire pick process has been completed.
      - In RD, fixed the pick button sometimes appearing greyed out when it becomes your turn to pick.

      Erstmal ein paar Kommentare von Valve usw.

      It's barely news, I know: Valve just sent out a sneaky 7 o'clock press release formally declaring Dota 2 free to play. Like League of Legends and nearly every other MOBA known to man, it'll supported by microtransactions. More noteworthy is the confirmation that Dota 2 will utilize Steam Workshop, and that, like TF2, the Dota Store will be putting player-made items on sale. A few are on sale now, actually—the "Early Access Bundle." "The opening of the Dota Store is a big part of our final push to launch," said IceFrog, design lead on Dota 2.

      Dota 2 will release on PC later this year, Valve says. Expect a big coming-out party for the game during The International at PAX Prime.

      Unusually close to our bedtime, Valve has launched Dota 2's microtransaction shop as it formally declares the game free to play. Click here to read the fancy Dota 2 Store announcement page.

      We expected Dota 2 to be a free-to-play game—that's barely news. But more noteworthy is the confirmation that all of the game's playable heroes will be free with no limitations, that Dota 2 will utilize Steam Workshop, and that, like TF2, the Dota Store will be putting player-made items on sale. 67 items are in Dota 2's section of the Steam Workshop now, and almost 200 are in the Dota Store.

      Dota 2 will release on PC later this year, Valve says. Expect a big coming-out party for the game during The International at PAX Prime.

      Valve have posted some details about DOTA 2′s (previously revealed) free-to-play status, over on the the DOTA 2 blog. They’re pretty upfront about two points: “Dota 2 will not be a pay-to-win game. All the items in the store are cosmetic, and don’t affect gameplay.” But also: “All of the heroes will be available free of charge. We believe restricting player access to heroes could be destructive to game design, so it’s something we plan to avoid.”Perhaps more interesting still – and something I hadn’t realised – DOTA 2 isalready part of the Steam Workshop, meaning folks can submit items just as the have for Team Fortress 2: “If you’re a Dota 2 fan with some artistic skills, here’s your chance to get in on the ground floor of what’s sure to be a vibrant community for years to come, and be able to contribute directly to the game you’re already playing non-stop.”

      You can buy early access to Dota 2 right now for £25 in the Dota 2 store, contrary to Valve's earlier declaration that Dota 2 is free to play. On the Dota 2 item shop FAQ Valve say that at this stage "we don't really think of Dota 2 as a beta" any more, but haven't completely released it because they're "working on expanding our server infrastructure" first. However, you can circumvent all that with the Dota 2 Early Access Bundle, which costs £25 / $39.99

      So, Dota 2 is essentially out now, with a cost attached. The bundle also comes with nine cosmetic items, but it's the early access pass that Defence of the Ancients fans will be paying for. The free to play version of Dota 2 will give everyone access to every hero and players will only put down money for cosmetic items to personalise the game. That sounds promising, and fair, but as things stand, that's not the deal. Previously players have only been able to access the beta through invites from Valve and other players.

      When they do press the big red "release" button, Dota 2 may well go nova. The beta alone has already proven extremely popular on Steam and the next International event is already scheduled for August.

    • Ein Update was Wohl am Montag kommt-

      Dota 2 Test Build Update - June 6, 2012

      Product Update - Valve
      Note: This update won't be pushed to the main Dota 2 client until the Wild Cards qualifiers are done. We expect this to be on Monday. To distract you from this fact, here are three heroes!

      - Added Chaos Knight, Phantom Assassin, and Gyrocopter!
      - Drow: Fixed Frost Arrows not working on mechanical units.
      - Morphling: Added effects for strength and agility morph as well as an overhead timer for replicate.
      - Nature's Prophet: Fixed Sprout destroying other trees around it.
      - Shadow Demon: Fixed Soul Catcher being dispellable.
      - Shadow Demon: Fixed Shadow Poison impact damage not hurting Disrupted units (and thus not disabling Blink).
      - Fixed targeted spells not temporarily revealing the attacker.
      - Fixed Orb of venom working on denies.
      - Fixed the following spells being castable on magic immune allies: Nightmare, Frost Armor, Nature's Guise, Holy Persuasion, Decrepify, Astral Imprisonment, Shadow Word and X Marks The Spot

      - Selecting "Equip" on an item in the backpack now flips to the loadout and automatically does the equipping for you.
      - Added support for watching replays via URL. For example, "dota2://dota2://matchid=15478&matchtime=300" will go directly to five minutes into match 15478.
      - Added button in replay panel to copy an URL into the clipboard that can be used to get back to that point in that replay.
      - Added Hall of Fame trophies to the bases. Clicking on them will display the winning teams of The International.
      DOTA 2 BOTS
      - Made bots not leave a gank if they currently have the ability to reincarnate and allies are still attacking.
      - Fixed bug where bots would pick their heroes before humans locked in their picks.

      Nice, direkt 3 neue Heros :p
      Beta wird wohl bald zu ende sein <3

    • Update vom 15.6


      - Added Chaos Knight, Phantom Assassin and Gyrocopter to Captain's Mode
      - Alchemist: Fixed Acid Spray killing couriers.
      - Chaos Knight: Fixed some bugs with the Illusion spawn positions with Phantasm.
      - Chaos Knight: Fixed Reality Rift ignoring Linken's Sphere.
      - Chaos Knight: Fixed getting stuck with your illusions sometimes
      - Clockwerk: Fixed units not always getting sucked into Power Cogs properly.
      - Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot stunning dead units.
      - Dark Seer: Fixed Ion Shell showing the visual connecting effect on invisible targets.
      - Doom Bringer: Fixed sometimes not gaining passive bonuses when devouring a neutral.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon not attacking magic immune units.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Rocket Barrage not hitting Roshan.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Homing Missle portrait name.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon not hitting ancients.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Homing Missle ignoring Linken's Sphere.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down not providing vision over its area.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Homing Missile not keeping vision around the area when it impacts a unit.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Rocket Barrage not hurting mechanical units.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon not hurting Mechanical units.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon having cast time.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed creeps hurting Homing Missile.
      - Mirana: Fixed Leap buff being dispelled by BKB/Repel.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Phantom Strike landing position.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Coup de Grace visual effect to play only when the critical strike attack lands.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Coup de Grace working on denies and wards.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Phantom Strike facing direction after landing.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Blur showing hero name on minimap when it should be hidden.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Blink Strike not being blocked by Linken's Sphere.
      - Phantom Assassin: Phantom Strike now shows you a buff icon while you are attacking fast.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Stifling Dagger being dodgeable.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Phantom Strike visual and sound effect sometimes playing on targets it can't hit.
      - Phantom Assassin: Fixed Phantom Strike attacks sometimes being delayed.
      - Pugna: Fixed Nether Ward not draining mana from enemies.
      - Venomancer: Fixed Aghanim's Scepter not upgrading Poison Nova duration.
      - Fixed Hand of Midas giving too little XP when there are nearby allies around.
      - Fixed Hand of Midas XP bounty being halved against dominated units.
      - Fixed a case where a courier trying to deliver a Divine Rapier to someone without sufficient item slots could result in the Rapier disappearing.
      - Added click and drag to rotate the Hero Model in the loadout panel.
      - Hero-like units now draw a larger distinct icon on the minimap.
      - Team Names now show up on the recent games panel.
      - Added an "Inspect Hero" option to the right-click menu for player names in the scoreboard. This will show what items they have equipped.
      - Buying Aghanim's Scepter now upgrades the ability tooltip with the new information. If you find anything missing or incorrect, please report it to the tooltip forum.
      - The store/inventory Aghanim's Scepter tooltip will now show a preview of what it does for your hero.
      - Fixed glitchiness in the End Game cinematic camera.
      - Added an edit mode to the in-game full deck layout.
      - Added a concept of selection to the Grid View, and used it to implement a pick button.
      - Added the ability to import and export custom full deck layouts
      - Leaving the loadout will return you to Grid View if you were in it.
      - Fixed a bug where you could not see the right hero in your loadout after you picked.
      - Fixed legacy mode heroes being sorted differently than the learn tab/Dota 1.
      - Legacy full deck cards are now simply the portrait, without the card treatment.
      - Added Back to Browsing & Back to Loadout buttons. After you pick, you can now return to browsing to suggest / learn heroes.
      - Fixed suggest button not being visible in grid view, and implemented suggestion there.
      - Fixed grid view selection outline not updating when you clicked on a suggested hero.
      - No longer force the selector to switch to the turntable if you're at grid view and want to select a hero for any reason.
      - Having no heroes matching the filters/search bar no longer kicks you out of grid view, instead showing you the same "No Heroes" message box as turntable mode.
      - Fixed the grid view crashing if there were no matching heroes.
      - Fixed the "No Heroes" message not being centered in widescreen.

      DOTA 2 BOTS
      - Added Chaos Knight bot.
      - Made bots more likely to unify around a Roshan attempt.
      - Added bot role/laning info for all heroes, which should make for better hero and lane picks.
      - On Easy and Easier, bots will no longer consider whether a target is currently slowed when determining whether to slow/stun.
      - Bots are now more likely to push late-game when they are feeling indecisive.
    • Demnächst!


      - Added Rubick!
      - Bane: Fixed Fiend's Grip not ending if Kraken Shell dispels it.
      - Chaos Knight: Reality Rift now puts the Chaos Knight behind his target.
      - Clockerk: Fixed Hookshot stunning dead units.
      - Gyrocopter: Fixed Homing Missle not giving any bounty.
      - Invoker: Fixed Alacrity interaction with Magic Immunity
      - Kunkka: Fixed Ghost Ship allied debuff dealing all the damage immediately when then rum wears off, rather than over the following 8 seconds.
      - Mirana: Reduced size of Arrow 20%.
      - Outworld Destroyer: Aadded visual indicator for Astral Imprisonment Length.
      - Riki: Fixed sometimes not attacking his Blink Strike target immediately.
      - Spirit Breaker: Fixed a bug allowing charging Razor without moving.
      - Fixed Batrider and Outworld Destroyer having 1 to little armor.
      - Fixed Chaos Knight having 2 extra armor.
      - Fixed Lone Druid having 1.3 to little armor.

      - Added support for tournament spectating passes.
      - The backpack now displays 64 items, up from 25.
      - Select All Other Units feature no longer selects any unit that is lacking attack capability (like Beastmaster's Hawk).
      - Added a buff to indicate the duration of Death Prophet's Exorcism.
      - Updated Aghanim's Scepter tooltips for Beastmaster, Necrolyte, Queen of Pain, Warlock, and Windrunner.
      - Updated the Aghanim's Scepter store preview.
      - Fixed bug where large replays were unable to download.
      - Replay downloading is now paralleled to improve download speeds.
      - Fixed item purchase message crediting the wrong player if the purchased item stacked with someone else's item.

      - Added a custom particle effect for Skadi.

      - Co-op bot matches will now randomly assign the human players to Radiant or Dire.
      - In co-op bot matches, if a human disconnects before picking a hero, the bots will now correctly balance the teams.
      - Fixed bots not selecting heroes into non-AP games.
      - Fixed bots not deploying their couriers on Passive difficulty.

      - Added Luna
      - Added Guardian Wisp
      - Dota 2 now uses the CELT codec for increased voice communication quality.
      - Added a testing tool to the Workshop tab that allows contributors to see their models on a hero before submitting.
      - Added Heropedia to the Learn tab.

      - Bloodseeker: Fixed a bug where he could get healed by friendly heroes dying in the area around him that he didn't deny.
      - Pudge: Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing Pudge's Dismember to do an extra tick of damage
      - Pudge: Fixed a bug that allowed Pudge to deal damage without hurting himself by quickly toggling Rot.
      - Rubick: Fixed a rare case where Rubick could get permanently stuck with Telekinesis Land.
      - Rubick: Fixed a bug where Rubick would gain permanent Spectral Dagger buffs until he died.
      - Rubick: Fixed a bug with Poison Release that would cause you to steal the wrong ability from Shadow Demon.
      - Tiny: Fixed Aghanim's Scepter siege damage vs backdoor armor
      - Fixed being able to use a different player's items in your combine, if that item was in your stash at the time

      - More Rubick spell animations
      - Various Rubick visual effect improvements and fixes
      - Haste animation added for Bloodseeker
      - Adjusted Ogre Magi's sidearm attack animation
      - Logos removed from waterfall and mid river areas to safeguard gameplay
      - Tweaked dire banner position left of fountain shop
      - Roshan timer appear only after 10 seconds have passed from death
      - Reduced Gyro's model scale a little
      - Removed ambient effects on Razor and Morphling when hexed

      - Fixed some cases where icons could get stuck on the screen
      - Fixed new heroes not showing up in the hero picker if you had custom view set (They'll now appear in the top left of the grid view, for you to then place as you like)
      - Tournament Panel: Fixed game list not refreshing unless you opened a different tournament and then back.
      - Tournament Panel: Increased the size of the live games and recent games.
      - Tournament Panel: Fixed details button not working properly for the last few games.
      - Fixed Spectator label cutting off number of spectators.
      - Fixed Live games not displaying correctly after opening a Tournament.
      - Fixed a recent bug with the shop not closing when a unit is selected
      - Fixed some bugs with losing commentator perspecting when pausing and unpausing
      - Added backpack preview to couriers
      - Back button in the loadout takes you back to the backpack if you arrived via a backpack right click
      - Fixed some slots on the backpack not being right-clickable if they were not on page 1
      - Fixed the first equip from the backpack sometimes not working properly
      - Added inspect button near the hero panel for heroes that have custom items
      - Updated the replay skill filter to have more usefull categories.
      - Fixed dragging an item onto itself not turning its icon back on.
      - Cheat commands are now echoed to chat
      - Added a testing tool to the Workshop tab that allows contributors to see their models on a hero before submitting.
      - Fixed Mute button on the scoreboard not working.

      - Dota 2 now uses the CELT codec for increased voice communication quality.

      und von heute

      - Added Disruptor and Undying!
      - Enabled Rubick, Wisp, and Luna in Captain's Mode.
      - Fixed a number of issues that caused effects to be delayed and in some cases not show up while watching Tournament games.
      - You can now select your favorite hero and gear to showcase in your profile.
      - Tournaments you have passes for are now shown in your profile.

      - Bloodseeker: Fixed Bloodbath not properly healing from enemy heroes dying in an AoE.
      - Invoker: Fixed DPS burn from Chaos Meteor not stacking per tick.
      - Luna: Fixed Eclipse ending if you get Cycloned.
      - Outworld Destroyer: Fixed astral indicator to only show for hero and allied team.
      - Rubick: Fixed stolen Persuasion not killing stolen creeps when lost.
      - Rubick: Fixed stolen Relocate not teleporting teammates who are linked with a stolen Tether.
      - Rubick: Fixed Toggleable spells not being stealable.
      - Rubick: Fixed not getting flying vision or flying height when stealing Firefly.
      - Rubick: Fixed Fade Bolt stopping when Rubick dies.
      - Rubick: Fixed stealing Morph Replicate and Replicate not working correctly.
      - Rubick: Fixed Invoker's Spell Stolen abilities having broken hotkeys sometimes when using Legacy Mode.
      - Rubick: Fixed Telekinesis land AoE triggering Linken's Sphere.
      - Wisp: Fixed Magic Stick interaction with Tether.
      - Wisp: Overcharge and the two spirit control sub abilities no longer proc magic stick.
      - Wisp: Spirits no longer don't retain their vision after they explode.
      - Wisp: Fixed Relocate's return not interrupting other channeling spells (like TP Scroll).
      - Wisp: Fixed heroes continuing old movement orders after returning with Relocate.
      - Wisp: Fixed Soul Ring not working with Tether.
      - Warlock: Fixed the burn aura from Warlock's Golems so it stacks correctly.
      - Small fix to creep aggro reaction time.

      - Fixes for guardian spirits rendering with pops and such when entering/leaving FoW.
      - Added 'Telekinesis Land' effect marker for Rubick.
      - Added new screen effect while the game is paused.
      - Fixed Wisp's voice lipsync getting stuck on with random noise.
      - Fixed ranged display stomping on ambient effects, including Wisp's.
      - Fixed Unusual Flying Couriers losing some of their effects when transitioning fom walking to flying.
      - Fixed Wisp's Tether being left behind when an enemy teleported into the fog of war.
      - Changed Guardian Wisp Explosion Effects.
      - Added a more obvious Wisp's Tether Boundary Effect.

      - When someone buys back, an icon is now displayed on the top bar for 5 seconds.
      - Wisp's Tether now shows the amount that it heals it's target.
      - Wisp's spirits no longer show up on the minimap.
      - Wisp and his tethered unit move their camera when they Relocate and Relocate back.
      - Right clicking an upgradable item in the shop will attempt to upgrade any (fully combined) version of that item that the player already owns. (Right click on necro 1 will actually buy a necro recipe if the player has a necro 1 or 2, etc)
      - Fixed shop closing when other players' selections change.
      - We now show the upgraded info in the ability itself if you're holding an Aghanim's Scepter.
      - You can now select your favorite hero and gear to showcase in your profile.
      - Tournaments you have passes for are now shown in your profile.

      - Fixed a number of issues that caused effects to be delayed and in some cases not show up while watching Tournament games.

      - The Relocate sound stops correctly now.

      - Fixed a bug were all bots would disable themselves if a human on the other team disconnected before picking a hero.
      - Changed how bots use Glyph, they should no longer use it when their buildings aren't being attacked.
      - Made Crystal Maiden bot even more timid.
      - Made bots go to the lane front when defending in-base rather than cowering behind the innermost towers.
      - Fixed bug where bots weren't correctly parsing their roles, which would lead to bad hero picking/randoming.
      - Fixed case were bots could "cheat" and have knowlege of where their target was when blinking.