[News] F2P Rotation in Rankeds werden abgeschafft!

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    • [News] F2P Rotation in Rankeds werden abgeschafft!

      Die lang ersehnte veränderung in den Rankeds ist da! F2P Rotationen werden in Rankeds abgestellt.
      Offizieller Post dazu von RiotYegu ->


      Ranked Games are about trying hard and competing to the best of your ability. Meanwhile, Free-to-Play champions let you try out a new champion and see if you like it. These are really conflicting goals, so we wanted to investigate disabling the Free-to-Play rotation for Ranked Solo/Duo Queue.

      We found some interesting statistics:

      • If a player on your team is fielding a champion he doesn’t own, you’re 8% more likely to lose the game.
      • A teammate fielding a champion he doesn’t own is 62% more likely to leave the game.
      • If a player in your game is fielding a champion he doesn’t own, the game is 34% more likely to result in a player being reported.

      That’s a big deal in such a competitive environment, so we’re making a change to keep the Ranked Solo/Duo Queue as competitive as possible. We’re removing the option to select champions you haven’t unlocked in the Ranked Solo/Duo Queue as of May 22nd. If you have a champion unlocked and it’s on the Free-to-Play rotation, you can still play that champion.

      We’re leaving the Free-to-Play rotation intact for Normal Games because they fit with the spirit of Free-to-Play champions. In Ranked Teams, your teammates should already be aware of your intentions to play a champion you don’t own, so we want to leave you that option.

      Free-to-Play Rotation in Ranked Solo/Duo - League of Legends Community

      Was denkt ihr ? Gut oder schlecht?
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    • Hab vorhin auch das Ranked mit Kennen hart verloren weil ich ihn das erstem mal gespielt hab..
      Ne scherz war kein Ranked, aber hart verloren hab ich trotzdem. xD
      Jetzt üb ich ihn erstmal auf nem neuen Acc gegen Noobs und hoffe das ich danach besser gegen richtige Gegner klar komm. ^^

      Finds auf jeden Fall super, aber auch schade wenn ein Champ in der Rota ist den man zwar spielen kann aber sich bisher noch nicht leisten konnte.