Karma Rework, ARAM Queue, New Teaser

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    • Karma Rework, ARAM Queue, New Teaser

      Karma's New Skillset

      Passive: Gathering Fire
      - Damage from Karma’s spells and basic attacks lower Mantra’s cooldown.

      R: Mantra
      - Empowers Karma’s abilities, adding an extra effect to the next ability cast.

      Q: Inner Flame
      - Skillshot that deals magic damage and slows enemies.

      - Empowered by Mantra: Soulflare – Increases damage and leaves behind a zone that slows and, after a brief delay, explodes for AoE damage.

      W: Focused Resolve
      - Enemy-targeted tether that deals damage over time. If the tether is unbroken after a short duration, the tethered target is rooted in place.

      - Empowered by Mantra: Renewal – Deals bonus damage and heals Karma for the duration of the tether.

      E: Inspire
      - Shields an ally and grants them a short speed boost.

      - Empowered by Mantra: Defiance – Enemies near the shielded ally are damaged while nearby allies are shielded and granted a short speed boost.

      [INDENT]"Old Karma had issues. What were they?

      [INDENT]Karma’s kit was in a weird place, but her ultimate was especially problematic. Her base abilities didn’t feel impactful and only felt effective when supercharged by Mantra. On top of that, when Karma had two charges of Mantra, we had to make both of them weaker to compensate for players double casting empowered spells. [/INDENT]
      [INDENT]The changes we made to Karma’s kit focused on making each decision fun and meaningful while giving her abilities the focus they needed to perform her intended role. We kept the “empowering”-type gameplay of Mantra, but instead of waiting around for it to recharge, Karma’s basic attacks and abilities now lower Mantra’s cooldown. This rewards aggressive play so you can “buyback” her ultimate. Also, we gave Mantra a single charge to pump extra power into each cast. We also made sure Mantra empowers Karma’s abilities in drastically different ways, leading to more impactful decision-making and a better feeling of accomplishment when you pull off the right move at the right time.

      [INDENT]Why was she hard to place in team comps?

      [INDENT]Karma had the offensive tools to support her team in small skirmishes but not the powerful defensive abilities she needed to protect a team. Also, her all-purpose abilities are so broad they never felt like the right choice in any situation. All in all, Karma lacked direction.

      [INDENT]Why isn’t Karma fun?

      [INDENT]The effectiveness of Karma’s abilities relied too heavily on your teammates knowing all their nuances. No matter how hard you were carrying with Karma, your teammates had to be just as good with her for you to be super effective. When an ally’s confused about whether or not he should run from or pass through your Spirit Bond, we probably made a mistake.

      [INDENT]What did we like about Karma?

      [INDENT]Despite all the Mantra hate we’ve got going on, we actually think the concept is pretty kickass. It’s unique and character-defining to old Karma, and augmenting her abilities with an immense surge of Ionian will is visually and thematically fun. We also liked how Karma could turn the tables on her opponents with abilities that provided defensive bonuses and had hidden offensive power. Finally, Spirit Bond’s “clothesline” gameplay is really cool, but it’d work better on a tank champion that has an easier time jumping into the fray.

      [INDENT]Karma’s new role

      [INDENT]Originally envisioned as a support, Karma’s fringe successes actually came from players using her in the top or mid lanes as an AP burst mage with support abilities, much like Zilean or Morgana. We like this direction and want to encourage you to boost both her offensive and support abilities by building AP. We also want to make sure she can hold her own as a solo or with a lane partner. [/INDENT]
      [INDENT]Finally, we’ve updated her skills so allies are reliant on Karma, but Karma’s not reliant on them. She’s got enough power at her fingertips to feel strong as a mage or as a support without teammates having to work in perfect concert for you to be effective."



      Hey Gang,

      It’s been a while since I first talked to you guys about making ARAM an official gameplay mode, and today I’ve got something awesome to share with you. For the past few months I’ve been working with an exceptional team of artists to create a space that’s an appropriate setting for both the epic battles that occur in ARAM and within the world of Runeterra at large. As a result, we’ve completely reworked the Proving Grounds and, in effect, created something entirely new.

      Now, instead of fighting on a random bridge over a black void, you’ll be fighting on the Howling Abyss, an ancient landmark in Freljord where the Iceborn finally overthrew their oppressors and sent them tumbling into the chasm below. As you might have guessed from these mysterious journals, there’s more (a lot more!) our story team would love to tell you Freljord – but for now, you’ll have to wait.

      Anyway, work is still ongoing on the map, and it’s yet a few patches away from release but we just wanted to invite you guys in a bit earlier than normal to get your thoughts as we begin to polish it up. The environment team will be actively reading the forum and looking for your feedback, so please let us know what you think!

      Additionally I wanted to let you guys know that we are actively working on an official matchmaking queue for ARAM and plan to launch it with the map when it’s ready. The queue isn’t currently enabled on PBE as there’s still a good bit of tech work that needs to be resolved to handle the number of players on the environment, but we’re fully committed to giving you guys the best experience that we can. So with that, check out the map and explore what we’ve created; who knows, maybe you’ll even find some surprises!"

      Interested in more shots?

      Quelle: Surrender at 20: Howling Abyss ( New ARAM Map + Match Making Queue ) now on PBE!



      "The storm of war looms over the Freljord.
      [INDENT]Rumors of strife in the north have spread for months, but Demacia is only now taking notice. The Freljord has remained divided and tribal for centuries, but should they unite, a barbarian march could threaten our borders. It’s time someone assessed the danger to Demacia. Prince Jarvan has granted me leave to gather information. [/INDENT]
      [INDENT]Val and I leave tonight.

      Avarosan Camp, Southern Freljord
      [INDENT]The stories I’ve heard always made the Freljord out to be a barbaric, uncivilized place. If the cold doesn’t kill you, the people will (so the soldiers of Demacia say) [/INDENT]
      [INDENT]I didn’t expect the warmth that greeted me in the Avarosan camp. If not for the snowy mountains in the distance, I’d have mistaken this for a Demacian border town, not a tribal stronghold. It’s clear that Ashe, the Avarosan leader, has greatly advanced the Freljord people since our last envoy visited this place years ago. These are not scattered barbarians at war with the land and with each other. The people here are adapting to the hardships of the Freljord, growing grain, and building the foundations of a civilization.

      Ashe is diplomatic and welcoming. She carries herself with the air of a leader that shines through her youth. Even Val likes her (how rare). Ashe guessed that we’d come here to offer Demacian aid, but she insists nothing of the sort is needed. “We fight our own battles,” she told us.

      Her words may be true, but I see division amongst her people. Val’s tense around some of them, and he can sense their discomfort. Some happily tend to the fields, while others hold their tools like weapons. They’re waiting for a war, not a harvest.

      I’ve spoken to a few tribesmen. Most are confident that Ashe is the rightful leader of the Freljord. They swear she’ll unify the tribes, but I can see some doubt in their eyes. They whisper one name in fear: Sejuani. She leads the tribe known as the Winter’s Claw. It’s clear some of Ashe’s people fear her strength and ferocity.

      Val and I are off to scout Sejuani’s territory at dawn. We’ll determine the extent of the threat she poses to the Freljord—and to Demacia."

      Quelle: Journey Into The Freljord 1: The Avarosan - League of Legends Community

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    • Das ARAM ein offizieller Gameplay Mode wird , hab ich mir schon länger gedacht , da man auch recht früh nach der Einführung der ARAM Map , schon gesagt hat das man an so einem Mode arbeitet.

      Karma Rework hmm ok , fand sie zwar eigentlich gut spielbar auf der Toplane , nur wurd man immer geflamt oder jemand ist geleavt , wenn man sie gepickt hat.
      Mal sehen wie sich das Rework auswirkt.