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    • vaxtang91;35584 schrieb:

      i got a problem when im trying to open database server (after i opend account server seccsesfuly) here is the error

      the database server ini is in the script foldet and i changed all the info there to what is sayes in a guide i found in other forum O_O maybe somone allso has a more info guide cuz there its not realy understood ^^ maybe i did somthing wrong

      waiting for reply ^^

      vaxtang91;37786 schrieb:

      if you see some posts before i did all that i got the same databaseserver.ini in the script folder and in the resource folder and still he tells me Fail to read databaseserver.ini i have no freaking idea why that happens please if somone can tell me whats wrong O_O look at some older posts youle see my databaseserver.ini screenshot please somone try to help me i cant get the database server working O_O

      p.s:when im trying to put the instad of no-ip it gives me those errors

      1:2009/10/13 01:02:22
      query:uspLoadPlayerData '01'
      SQLSTATE:42S02 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'CHARACTER_TBL'.

      2:2009/10/13 01:02:22 LoadPlayerData - query: uspLoadPlayerData '01'

      any ideas for that?

      anyone can finaly help me? i think it has somthing to do with the fact that when i put up my DB in SQL 4 of 5 parts gave me red errors down O_O here some screens





      hope that is enoght info so somone will finaly help me with my problem!

      thanks waiting for reply! :)
    • vaxtang91;38445 schrieb:

      anyone can finaly help me? i think it has somthing to do with the fact that when i put up my DB in SQL 4 of 5 parts gave me red errors down O_O here some screens





      hope that is enoght info so somone will finaly help me with my problem!

      thanks waiting for reply! :)

      did you open "log01" in ODBC? if not, open one like the character01 and login.
      did you changed databaseserver.ini in resource folder too? same as DBServer.ini in Script?
    • anyone? please help me :X

      i cant open worldserver.exe.

      this is my .ini files:
      ResourceFolder "C:\Documents and Settings\Levi\שולחן העבודה\Flyff Server Files v11\NeuroSpace\Resource" Pfad eures Resources Ordners.
      Key 0101
      DB "" IP des Database Servers
      Core "" IP Core Server
      LANG 6
      Heartbeat 10101
      GUILDWAR 0
      WORMON 1

      ARENA 1

      PK 1
      PKCOST 1
      respawn 1

      and when i open the worldserver.exe, error.txt is opened and i see this error:
      2009/10/13 00:24:01 CDbManager::UpdateGuildRanking¿¡¼* (RANKING.RANKING_DBF.dbo.RANKING_STR 'R1','01') ½ֶַ׀

      anyone? please help me!!! alot of ppl waiting for my server = \
    • GarbeTz;38496 schrieb:

      did you open "log01" in ODBC? if not, open one like the character01 and login.
      did you changed databaseserver.ini in resource folder too? same as DBServer.ini in Script?

      still errors O_O god dammit im going crazy haha can somone please support me in MSN or somthing? i cant get that freaking thing to work O_O can somone give me a screen shot of his DBserver.ini in script folder and in resource folder? and a pic of the folder itself? and everything else? so i can compere to mine? O_O
    • ok so ive managed to start all the exe files without your help O_O hehe so now i got another problem

      how do i connect to the server i just made? O_O what launcher and neuz do i use? ive tryed fame launcher and neuz but i changed it to my ip and still connects to fame please help this is (hopefully) the last problem i have till i can login on my server :)

      oh and can i use a no-ip addres instad of so others can login or do i need diffrent ip?
    • vaxtang91;39110 schrieb:

      ok so ive managed to start all the exe files without your help O_O hehe so now i got another problem

      how do i connect to the server i just made? O_O what launcher and neuz do i use? ive tryed fame launcher and neuz but i changed it to my ip and still connects to fame please help this is (hopefully) the last problem i have till i can login on my server :)

      oh and can i use a no-ip addres instad of so others can login or do i need diffrent ip?

      can you help me please?
      i need help about start the .exe files
      i cant open worldserver.exe

      can you help me at msn or something?
    • vaxtang91;39110 schrieb:

      ok so ive managed to start all the exe files without your help O_O hehe so now i got another problem

      how do i connect to the server i just made? O_O what launcher and neuz do i use? ive tryed fame launcher and neuz but i changed it to my ip and still connects to fame please help this is (hopefully) the last problem i have till i can login on my server :)

      oh and can i use a no-ip addres instad of so others can login or do i need diffrent ip?

    • ctby23;39093 schrieb:

      And one thing... what i supposed to choose ind setting up ODBC??

      SQL server??? or SQL NAtive Client?? tnx

      Native Client.

      ctby23;39088 schrieb:

      hi can u help me guys... why i always get wrong password in my server when i create an account.. i used already md5 password, nForceIsGay+pass, and the gala one..

      can u help me with this??

      what neuz i use whe md5 password is put in databse and the same in nForceIsGay+pass??? can help me tnx

      execute this and try again.
      User= test
      Password= test
      if doesnt work may your accountserver.ini is not correct, or something...


      1. -- SQL Manager 2008 for SQL Server
      2. -- ---------------------------------------
      3. -- Host :\FAMESQL
      4. -- Datenbank : ACCOUNT_DBF
      5. -- Version : Microsoft SQL Server 10.0.1600.22
      6. USE [ACCOUNT_DBF]
      7. GO
      8. INSERT INTO [dbo].[ACCOUNT_TBL] ([account], [password], [isuse], [member], [id_no1], [id_no2], [realname], [reload], [vers], [attempts], [bantime], [lastip])
      9. VALUES
      10. (N'test', N'172c2125beb8251396f14e01cf1766e6', N'T', N'A', NULL, N'172c2125beb8251396f14e01cf1766e6', N'F', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)
      11. GO
      12. INSERT INTO [dbo].[ACCOUNT_TBL_DETAIL] ([account], [gamecode], [tester], [m_chLoginAuthority], [regdate], [BlockTime], [EndTime], [WebTime], [isuse], [secession], [net_enable], [vers], [AccSource], [AccSourceID], [email], [birthday], [ban_reason], [ip])
      13. VALUES
      14. (N'test', N'A000', N'2', N'F', '20080818 00:51:35.700', N'20010101', N'20990101', N'20050101', N'O', NULL, NULL, 0, N'0', 0, N'a2lsbGEtZGF2QHdlYi5kZQ==', N'MDguMDkuMTk5Mw==', N'', N'test')
      15. GO
      Alles anzeigen
    • lydiocampos;39526 schrieb:

      how u fixed ur problem in databaseserver.ini failed to read ini?????

      used a normal clean and new DB the one i had gave me errors and i found a better one that added to SQL server with no errors and it just workd :) i knew somthing was wrong with my DB

      anyway ive started the server and loged on and everything is cool...now what should i change so anyone else can join on my server :) and can i use no-ip? cuz ive been told i cant O_O
    • Hello GodLikerz ;)
      So, i have got everything working now, but theres one problem (ore maybe more?) left:
      Everytime, i try to get past the Serverscreen (where the Channels are listed), i get this error:
      and in my error.txt + CQuery-LogFile is the following content:
      2009/10/21 12:19:00
      C:\neurospace\PROGRAM\_database\DbManager.cpp, 351 CHARACTER_STR 'S2',@im_idPlayer='0000000',@iserverindex='01',@iaccount='edin',@im_szName='172c2125beb8251396f14e01cf1766e6',@iplayerslot=0,@idwWorldID=0,@im_dwIndex=0,@im_vPos_x=0.000000,@im_vPos_y=0.000000,@im_vPos_z=0.000000,@im_szCharacterKey='(null)',@im_dwSkinSet=0,@im_dwHairMesh=0,@im_dwHairColor=0,@im_dwHeadMesh=0,@im_dwSex=0,@im_vScale_x=0.000000,@im_dwMotion=0,@im_fAngle=0.000000,@im_nHitPoint=0,@im_nManaPoint=0,@im_nFatiguePoint=0,@im_dwRideItemIdx=0,@im_dwGold=0,@im_nJob=0,@im_pActMover='(null)',@im_nStr=0,@im_nSta=0,@im_nDex=0,@im_nInt=0,@im_nLevel=0,@im_nExp1=0,@im_nExp2=0,@im_aJobSkill='(null)',@im_aLicenseSkill='(null)',@im_aJobLv='(null)',@im_dwExpertLv=0,@im_idMarkingWorld=0,@im_vMarkingPos_x=0.000000,@im_vMarkingPos_y=0.000000,@im_vMarkingPos_z=0.000000,@im_nRemainGP=0,@im_nRemainLP=0,@im_nFlightLv=0,@im_nFxp=0,@im_nTxp=0,@im_lpQuestCntArray='(null)',@im_chAuthority='F',@im_dwMode=0,@im_idparty=0,@im_idMuerderer=0,@im_nFame=0,@im_nDeathExp=0,@im_nDeathLevel=0,@im_dwFlyTime=0,@im_nMessengerState=0,@iTotalPlayTime=0,@im_Card='(null)',@im_Index_Card='(null)',@im_ObjIndex_Card='(null)',@im_Cube='(null)',@im_Index_Cube='(null)',@im_ObjIndex_Cube='(null)',@im_Inventory='(null)',@im_apIndex='(null)',@im_adwEquipment='(null)',@im_dwObjIndex='(null)',@im_aSlotApplet='(null)',@im_aSlotItem='(null)',@im_aSlotQueue='(null)',@im_SkillBar=0,@im_Bank='(null)',@im_apIndex_Bank='(null)',@im_dwObjIndex_Bank='(null)',@im_dwGoldBank=0,@im_nFuel=0,@im_tmAccFuel=0,@im_dwSMTime='(null)',@iSkillInfluence='(null)',@im_aCompleteQuest='(null)',@im_extInventory='(null)',@im_InventoryPiercing='(null)',@im_extBank='(null)',@im_BankPiercing ='(null)',@im_dwReturnWorldID=0,@im_vReturnPos_x=0.000000,@im_vReturnPos_y=0.000000,@im_vReturnPos_z=0.000000,@im_nPKValue=0,@im_dwPKPropensity=0,@im_dwPKExp=0,@im_nAngelExp=0,@im_nAngelLevel=0,@iszInventoryPet='(null)',@iszBankPet='(null)', @im_dwPetId=0,@im_nExpLog=0, @im_nAngelExpLog=0,@im_nCoupon=0

      edin, 172c2125beb8251396f14e01cf1766e6 (yeah, its 'test' :P)

      2009/10/21 12:19:00
      query:CHARACTER_STR 'S2',@im_idPlayer='0000000',@iserverindex='01',@iaccount='edin',@im_szName='172c2125beb8251396f14e01cf1766e6',@iplayerslot=0,@idwWorldID=0,@im_dwIndex=0,@im_vPos_x=0.000000,@im_vPos_y=0.000000,@im_vPos_z=0.000000,@im_szCharacterKey='(null)',@im_dwSkinSet=0,@im_dwHairMesh=0,@im_dwHairColor=0,@im_dwHeadMesh=0,@im_dwSex=0,@im_vScale_x=0.000000,@im_dwMotion=0,@im_fAngle=0.000000,@im_nHitPoint=0,@im_nManaPoint=0,@im_nFatiguePoint=0,@im_dwRideItemIdx=0,@im_dwGold=0,@im_nJob=0,@im_pActMover='(null)',@im_nStr=0,@im_nSta=0,@im_nDex=0,@im_nInt=0,@im_nLevel=0,@im_nExp1=0,@im_nExp2=0,@im_aJobSkill='(null)',@im_aLicenseSkill='(null)',@im_aJobLv='(null)',@im_dwExpertLv=0,@im_idMarkingWorld=0,@im_vMarkingPos_x=0.000000,@im_vMarkingPos_y=0.000000,@im_vMarkingPos_z=0.000000,@im_nRemainGP=0,@im_nRemainLP=0,@im_nFlightLv=0,@im_nFxp=0,@im_nTxp=0,@im_lpQuestCntArray='(null)',@im_chAuthority='F',@im_dwMode=0,@im_idparty=0,@im_idMuerderer=0,@im_nFame=0,@im_nDeathExp=0,@im_nDeathLevel=0,@im_dwFlyTime=0,@im_nMessengerState=0,@iTotalPlayTime=0,@im_Card='(null)',@im_Index_Card='(null)',@im_ObjIndex_Card='(null)',@im_Cube='(null)',@im_Index_Cube='(null)',@im_ObjIndex_Cube='(null)',@im_Inventory='(null)',@im_apIndex='(null)',@im_adwEquipment='(null)',@im_dwObjIndex='(null)',@im_aSlotApplet='(null)',@im_aSlotItem='(null)',@im_aSlotQueue='(null)',@im_SkillBar=0,@im_Bank='(null)',@im_apIndex_Bank='(null)',@im_dwObjIndex_Bank='(null)',@im_dwGoldBank=0,@im_nFuel=0,@im_tmAccFuel=0,@im_dwSMTime='(null)',@iSkillInfluence='(null)',@im_aCompleteQuest='(null)',@im_extInventory='(null)',@im_InventoryPiercing='(null)',@im_extBank='(null)',@im_BankPiercing ='(null)',@im_dwReturnWorldID=0,@im_vReturnPos_x=0.000000,@im_vReturnPos_y=0.000000,@im_vReturnPos_z=0.000000,@im_nPKValue=0,@im_dwPKPropensity=0,@im_dwPKExp=0,@im_nAngelExp=0,@im_nAngelLevel=0,@iszInventoryPet='(null)',@iszBankPet='(null)', @im_dwPetId=0,@im_nExpLog=0, @im_nAngelExpLog=0,@im_nCoupon=0
      SQLSTATE:42000 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Die gespeicherte Prozedur 'CHARACTER_STR' wurde nicht gefunden.
      2009/10/21 12:19:16
      query:MAIL_STR_REALTIME 'S1', '01'
      SQLSTATE:24000 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Ungültiger Cursorstatus
      2009/10/21 12:20:16
      query:MAIL_STR_REALTIME 'S1', '01'
      SQLSTATE:24000 error:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Ungültiger Cursorstatus

      How do i fix this?
