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  • [Release] Neuz + Starter

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    I'm aware of this Aeonx92, but the matter is that i'm on w7 and i won't del it to go back to Xp, and even with compatibility mode or just with another user account, it does recognize i've already another launched.. Any ideas?

  • [Release] Neuz + Starter

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    Hello, i was hopefull when i've seen your potential solution, however, it seems like it is not fonctional for me. It make a pop-up saying that i do not have the correct version. Did i do something wrong , or you have a specific bypass that i don't have ?

  • Level Bot

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    Every function, like Postmessage used in ftool, has to be bypassed manually. This is not impossible to do, it's just from what i know, quite greedy. Moreover, think of a player that wear a yellow fash, how the bot will make the diff? If you take the Movement "Attack" in the animations, you will pk him..

  • AFK-Healen Abgeschafft ! ;(

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    Put the healing skill (once ) in the "combo" (the thing that allow you to use 5 skills on the right side ) and then place the S symbol in one of the Fkey. You can now spam heal like before

  • [Help] About Teleport

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    I know that .h i an header file :p The question was more about what it should coutains, like what is the value of IDC_CHECK2. Is it something predefined by yourself taht you omitted to precise? About the WSA recv fonctions i think that it is not something as "easy" as finding a pointer? Moreover, most of the pack editor/sniffing prgramms are patched.. I think taht the client as a "signature" that make impossible to just send those message by an external prgramm? Edit: does repeting teleport (for…

  • [Help] About Teleport

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    I do love you :3 2 questions remained, that i didn't mentionned. What is the resource.h ? and i've heard that far teleporting make the client crash, is there a way to correct it? ( dividing teleport/ "heart beat" to the server ?)

  • [Help] About Teleport

    Dirladada - - Archiv Flyff


    Hello Godlikerz :p First of all, sorry but i don't speak even 1 word of german, so everything you could answer me will be google translated :p Well, coming to the main part, i'm trying to make "my own " teleporter thanks to Xenox3 's tut. The problem is that the dwrPointer return me 0 each time, that would say that the pointer is faulse, which could be normal since we passed to v14 recently I did try to fnd the adress myself, but at the moment to search "HP" keyword, it returns me "no results", …