[B] Lv. 30 LoL Account mit Rare Skins uvm!!! [S] PSC

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    • [B] Lv. 30 LoL Account mit Rare Skins uvm!!! [S] PSC

      Heyho Händler, und LoL Gamer.
      Hab hier meinen alten Account der schon seit längerem rumgammelt, und ich ihn jetzt gerne verkaufen würde.
      Ich nehme als Zahlung nur Paysafecards an!

      Hier n Screen vom Profil, die Champs und Skins werde ich auflisten.

      Akali = Stechende Akali
      Alistar = Langhorn Alistar
      Amumu = Beinahe Ballkönig Amumu
      Anivia = n/a
      Ashe = Sherwood Forest Ashe
      Brand = n/a
      Caitlynn = Widerstands Caitlyn
      Corki = Urfreiter Corki
      Dr. Mundo = Mr. Mundoverse
      Evelynn = Maskeraden Evelynn
      Ezrael = Erkunder Ezrael
      Fiddlesticks = Gespenstischer Fiddlesticks
      Irelia = Flieger Irelia
      Janna = Hextech Janna
      Jarvan IV = Kommando Jarvan IV
      Jax = Jaximus
      Karma = n/a
      Katarina = n/a
      Kayle = Viridian Kayle
      Lee Sin = Akolyth Lee Sin
      Lux = Zauberin Lux
      Malphite = Marmor Malphite
      Maokai = n/a
      Master Yi = n/a
      Miss Fortune = Miss Zuckerstange
      Mordekaiser = Pentakill Mordekaiser
      Nidalee = Hausmädchen Nidalee
      Nunu = n/a
      Pantheon = n/a
      Ryze = Professor Ryze
      Shaco = n/a
      Singed = [COLOR="red"]Riotkommando Singed ! RARE![/COLOR], Hextech Singed
      Sion = Barbaren Sion
      Sona = Sternsinger Sona
      Tristana = Riot Tristana
      Tryndamere = n/a
      Twisted Fate = Tango Twisted Fate
      Urgot = n/a
      Veigar = Schneemagier Veigar
      Xin Zhao = Viscero Xin Zhao

      Hier die Runen in nem Foto Album.

      Runen - Imgur


      Offer werden ab 50€ oder höher entgegen genommen.
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    • Dear MMORPG Core Community

      First of all sorry ich kann nur ein bischen detusch sprechen.Because of this this post will be in English.

      Recently i was going to sell a lol account to this guy via elitepvpers but he scammed me.Now he has the account.Do not buy this account soon i will be getting it back.Waiting for mail from riot at the moment.You will waste your money.


    • Dear -Jan-

      No im afraid not.I only did chat with him over msn and dont have the conversation history.Even if i did it was Turkish.

      But i do have the original post at elitepvpers and his private messages to me there.However at the moment i cant enter the site.Thinking it might be down.If i can enter the website i will post screenshots of him trying to buy this account and my original post of selling this account before he puts it here.
    • -Jan-;248328 schrieb:

      Hello Tichh,
      Can you offer Screenshots or anything else that trust your hard allegation?

      Hey Jan

      I got my account back.To make things easier down here you can find the mail i got from riot and my screenshots of this account with exact same details excecpt the summoner avatar.

      Mail : ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

      Screenshots :ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

      Runes : ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
      ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
      ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
      ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

      Also after things settle can you please remove his post of screenshots because my summoner name is visible there.