Minecraft 1.9 - 2. Prerelease

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    • Minecraft 1.9 - 2. Prerelease

      Der Minecraft-Entwickler Mojang hat eine 2. Vorabversion des Updates Version 1.9 zum Download bereitgestellt.

      Bereits vor einer Woche hat das Team rund um Markus Persson eine Vorabversion von V 1.9 veröffentlicht. Nun steht eine zweite Version zum Download bereit. Diese bietet einige Neuerungen und Verbesserungen
      Man kann nun zum Beispiel Tiere züchten und beschädigte Werkzeuge recyclen.

      Die Komplette Liste finden sie hier:
      • Animal Breeding! Use wheat to breed. Hold wheat in your hand and they all 'should' follow you. Reports of this being a bit buggy. If you hit an animal in heat, it will stop being in heat.
      • Snow Golems attack each other when you try to breed them. And User. Use wheat to make friendly towards you.
      • Endermen now take FOUR standard (non-critical) hits with a diamond sword. Zombies & Zombie pigmen 3.
      • Endermen now instantly teleport away from water. Agro seems to reset after this. They also dodge all arrows and do not die in the sunlight anymore. New sound effect likely to come in the official release of 1.9
      • Zombie Pigmen now randomly drop rotten flesh or gold bits instead of everytime.
      • Chickens avoid lava.
      • Golden apples have a sparkly animation.
      • Golden apple also grants you Regeneration buff for 30 seconds.
      • Golden nuggets are officially called "Gold nuggets" now.
      • New Items: glass bottles, several new music discs, blaze powder, spider eyes, fermented spider eyes and magma cream. *Items uses unknown - bottles obviously for 'potions' as mentioned on twitter and not implemented yet. Possibly with official release.
      • Ender pearls teleports you with the cost of damage when thrown.
      • Ender perls do not work in MP.
      • Items can be repaired now, just as Notch specified - combine two damaged items to make one with more uses.
      • Can't get glass panes back when you break them anymore .
      • Pumpkins can be “crafted” into 4 Pumpkin Seeds.
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