Unveröffentlichter Verkauf

  • Unveröffentlichter Verkauf

    I'am the creator of thoses FlyFF Sources.

    It is ready to use and you can open a fine flyff v18 server in no time.

    We include server files (ressources and all that stuff)
    The two bigger french private server uses these file.

    We sells two sources :

    FlyForExistenz Source :

    - Guild siege every day
    -PetFilter (press U)
    -Permanent reward event (stay connected event)
    - Collect is optimized
    - Stats 10 + 4% cards
    - 9% cards
    - Berseker system

    .: New area to level up:.
    .: 1 click change job :.
    .: New PvP system:.
    .: Fusion system:.
    .: Bounty hunter system:.
    .: Jewels percable x3 (with new card)!):.
    .: Fashion percable x5 (with new card)!):.
    .: New Aura/SFX system (scroll to change your glow):.
    .: New Contribution System:.
    .: Cape / Mask percable x5 (with new card)!):.

    Price : 200 euro, we accept Starpass - Allopass and PayPal

    Underworld flyff Sources:

    Bounty hunter
    Drop filter
    Automatic Change job for 3rd class
    Maps Flaris v19
    Guild war and arena
    map modified
    Weapons V18
    All V18 content
    New pet available (exclusive)
    Nice cash shop ingame
    Awakenings are always positive
    Systems Beserker
    Systems Lodelite
    Pvp v6
    Collect v6
    Anti-hack by system Creaz (best french dev)
    Pvp arene system with reward(award) + Scoreboard
    Every V.16 system
    Every V.17 system (except inventory 4 tab and purchases by shopping cart)
    All the function(office) Baruna is functional!

    Price : 200 euro, we accept Starpass - Allopass and PayPal

    For the two sources, we can offer you 350 euro.

    If you are interrested, PM me here.

  • Werbung zur Unterstützung des Forums ( Bitte AddBlocker deaktivieren )

  • schuldigung wenn ich nu dumm frage aber das sind doch sogut wie alle releasten files oder irre ich mich da das kann man sich doch alles selber zusammenbauen oder etwa nicht ? ich mag niemanden schädigen oder so aber es gibt doch tuts wie man sowas einbaut was macht die files besonders wenn ich fragen darf

    ich mag nu keine diskusion anfangen und ärgern nur man kann das alles doch selber basteln ^^
  • TnCrashe;277635 schrieb:

    Underworld flyff Sources:
    Maps Flaris v19
    Guild war and arena map modified*
    All V18 content*
    New pet available (exclusive)*
    Systems Beserker*
    Systems Lodelite*

    Anti-hack by system Creaz (best french dev)*
    Pvp arene system with reward(award) + Scoreboard

    Got some screen shots?

    Does it include v18 working dungeons/Maps aswell?

    Can you give us some more informations about that?

    Is it client side aswell? does it block every Packet Editor/Infiltration and EVERY kind of Speed Hack like CE/MHS/MoonlightEng etc. ?

    Can you make us a cheaper price if we buy only those 2 source edits? and can you also implement them in our source? (v17 bloody Flyff source)

    We are also interested in the other (colored) stuff but as you can see we need more informations about it, if we like it then we might buy it aswell for a better price.
  • -->Source code is steal

    Creaz = The BIG FAKE FRENCH

    FRENCH stealer !

    he take you money and not delivre source code !

    This source code is shit and LiberateThedemon is best

    "Bounty hunter
    Automatic Change job for 3rd class
    Maps Flaris v19
    Guild war and arena map modified
    Weapons V18
    All V18 content
    New pet available (exclusive)
    Nice cash shop ingame
    Awakenings are always positive
    Systems Beserker
    Systems Lodelite
    Pvp v6
    Collect v6
    Anti-hack by system Creaz (best french dev)
    Every V.16 system
    Every V.17 system (except inventory 4 tab and purchases by shopping cart)
    All the function(office) Baruna is functional! "

    This LTD log-change

    The PVP scoreboard is buggy not using this !

    NOT TAKE this

    using the best free french source (with no backdoor)


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