Flyff client modification unlimited rock paper scissors

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    • Flyff client modification unlimited rock paper scissors

      I've reported and reported problems to eFlyff. They didn't listen and now they will pay.
      Here I explain my simple client modification how to get it to work and is undetectable by the server.
      I use it at this moment at eFlyff so it works.

      How to get as much coupons as you want whenever you want
      step 1: download this file :MediaFire - Online Space for your documents, photos, videos, and music.
      step 2: place it in your flyff main folder
      step 3:Login and get many sunstones
      step 4:get your buff pet out and open his menu
      step 5: Select Exchange event item
      step 6:trade your sunstones in for coupons
      step 7: select "Rock-Paper-Scissors"
      step 8: ????
      step 9: enjoy

      Scan: It is plain text file open it in notepad if you don't trust me

      Plain but simple

      To the ones who are against this release
      My intentions are not to harm the game even tough that is kinda hard at this very moment.
      Flyff's Economy is already broken, Penya spammers all over and many random account hackers. I release this to bring attention to the developers make them pay and work.

      All credits goes to me Misterkid aka Quget aka Darking1assist

      How to
      Needed tools
      Notepad(Notepad ++ preferred)
      Flyff .res Editor download: Flyff ResEditor.exe download - 2shared

      1. start flyff res editor
      2. open dataSub1.res file in your flyff folder (File -> Open)
      3. Search for select it and extract it in your flyff folder(Actions->Extract selected file)
      4. Open the file in a text editor(notepad)
      5. Look for the npc you want to edit(In my case a buffpet (MaFl_BuffPet))
      6. At the npc under Setting{ add the Menu's you want the npc to have.
      for example


      1. MaFl_BuffPet
      2. {
      3. setting
      4. {
      5. AddMenu( MMI_KAWIBAWIBO );//Rock paper scissors
      6. AddMenu( MMI_EVENT_TRADE_KOR ); //sunstones for coupons
      7. AddMenu( MMI_FIVESYSTEM );//Dice event system
      8. }
      9. }

      7. Save the file after your edit.
      8. start flyff normaly

      There is no need to test file edit on skills and items. They won't work as those are server sided.
      Some menu's don't work at all since there is a check server sided somehow.

      I hope this creates a better understanding of what I did.

      The exploit have been blocked ages ago but since Flyff gold(I think) it is possible again to abuse it.
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