EloList - TopList for Booster! Get Votes by Customer.

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    • EloList - TopList for Booster! Get Votes by Customer.

      Tired of the chaos when looking for a Boost?

      we created a Toplist for Elo-Boost-Services.
      Now you can get more attention for your Website or your Thread when a customer votes for you!
      Just add your Site/Thread and register an account. Upload your custom Banner for your Rank-Box.

      -You get your own Vote-Link & Image
      -Easy Registration
      -Upload a custom Banner
      -Stats and a great Overview!
      -100% free use as default user
      -It is safe aswell!

      The first 10 registrations get 2 Weeks Premium!
      As Premium-Member you can upload larger Banners!
      Visit www.EloList.net

      Why add my service to EloList?
      Its much easier for your customer to find the best service when other customers vote for them!
      A easy TopList with a great Overview is very comfortable when you need a great Booster asap. :)

      How to
      Visit EloList | LoL Booster Toplist - Rankings - All Sites and create an account.
      Click "Add Your Site" and fill out every field. You will not get any advertisement!
      Immediately after your registration you will get your Votebox.
      Please upload your custom Banner for your service! 150x50 is allowed for default User.
      When your customer clicks on this Button you recieve +1 Point.
      Get more Votes for a higher rank in the Toplist!
      Just give every customer your link after you finished his/her Boost!

      Yeah you can get Support via E-mail or Skype!
      Questions? Ask us!
      Mail : info@elolist.net
      Skype-Supporter Marvin : caecilius1

      Best regards ~
      EloList Team
      • default.jpg

        5,87 kB, 150×50, 60 mal angesehen
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